I am shortly breaking my grass touching period to once again say
Fuck Israël Fuck IDF Fuck Europe
And Free Palestina 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
A worthy cause for a brief return. Hope you’re doing well out in the fields/with the masses.
I’m feeling a lot better. Decided to get some thing in my life back on track. Got my appartment back in order with some new furniture, found a therapist to deal with anxiety, finished writing my part of the party programme. Also accepted that I need a better balance between regular life and politics. Ditched Reddit for good.
But overall I feel like getting back at it again with the politics.
Really glad to hear it! Keep looking after yourself.
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Libs in copium mode right now.
I want them, instead of downvoting, to explain right now what exactly is their problem with this operation. Everything Palestine did today is lawful and protected under UN occupation law which the UN decided applies to Palestine.
What they did today was completely in the right, allowed by international law, and NOTHING in comparison to all “Israel” has been doing to Palestine for decades.
If you don’t want to live under threat of fire then don’t be a settler. Simple as that. You can leave anytime you want, your “Israeli” passport gives you access to most of the world.
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I would hope exposure would chip away the calcified brains of a few of them
disabling downvotes does wonders for shining that light
Not being able to see downvotes means that cowardly libs have nothing beyond responding, which they are afraid of doing.
“The Hexbears and Lemmygradian’s lurking in this thread will tear me apart if i say something” lmao
Boy is it nice to wake up to some good news for once
There are pictures and videos on Twitter and Telegram that I’m not going to share. Safe to say the “IDF” is in complete disarray and everyone was taken aback by the scale and urgency of this operation – the occupier among them. News and videos are still coming out so I’m holding off on the body and injury count, but yes there is visual confirmation that the resistance completely liquidated IDF barracks before the soldiers even got out of their beds. Settlers fleeing to airports. At least 4 settlements occupied with everyone essentially driven out, but I have no idea what the situation is like right now. Several POWs taken by the Palestinian resistance as well and brought back to Gaza.
Hell yes… wonder why the narrative on resistance is gonna be different here for the people who aren’t “relatively civilized, relatively European” (I think the two situations are different, but according to the liberal narrative they shouldn’t be)
I think the Israelis should be like MLK Jr and ghandi and turn the other cheek.
a lot of updates on this Hexbear thread
This telegram account seems to have a lot of up to date coverage too
Also https://t.me/mangopress.
The NPR article says that Gaza militants “infiltrated on paragliders” to start the operation.
They did not infiltrate anything as you cannot infiltrate your own occupied country – just a small correction because NPR is a public broadcaster and obviously will push a Zionist line.
Otherwise yes they did start with paragliders, though I have to wonder how they managed to get past the checkpoints and snipers. Maybe they thought they were tourists?
They also cut a hole in the fence and convoyed motorcycles through. But it seems the gliders were sent to secure an opening for more fighters to follow.
Fair point on the wording! I just thought that was a really interesting detail.
It’s really clever actually, it’s so low-tech it’s not going to be picked up by all the high-tech equipment. Only way they could be intercepted is by troops on the ground, which evidently did not happen and I really want to know why, I hope we’ll get the answer. Planes fly too high and too fast to intercept, radars don’t pick this signal up…
Really using the 11ft ladder lol.
Yeah, I’ll be very interested to hear how they pulled it off when it’s all over
From the Intel slava telegram:
you’re still infiltrating a security device even if the people who put up the walls or locks did so illegitimately. that’s a real weird revisionist prescriptivism you’ve got there.
Clearly NPR was not talking about infiltrating a wall or lock, but about infiltrating Israel.
that’s a real weird revisionist prescriptivism you’ve got there.
Not sure what you mean by that.
the specificity you’re demanding for “infiltrate” to apply is prescriptivist, and it’s revision because it does not reflect common usage in american or commonwealth.
anyway, you’re still infiltrating
a security devicesomething even if the people who put up thewalls or locksfortified border did so illegitimately.The comrade was being slightly pedantic in objecting to the use of the word infiltrate to make a point, but you are just being an annoying debate nerd for no reason. What do you think you are achieving with this?
i disagree with the pedantry, and i think it’s not debate to rephrase what i said when asked for clarification
Here seems to be a video of the training, these paragliders did. https://nitter.net/Marxozoic/status/1710565020214653266#m
Another de-Nazification campaign.
Inspiring. I hope this encourages more resistance. I hope the settlers are overwhelmed and handed a humiliating defeat.
I hope this goes well for Palestine but I feel like they don’t have the support to actually succeed and Israel will continue their genocide in force
I think, like many of the actions taken by the global oppressed these last few years, their success may have seemed impossible a few decaded ago but has a better chance now than ever before. ESPECIALLY if Lebanon, Egypt, Syria, Iran, or any other Arab nations take a risk and get involved. We can look to Niger’s defiance of Western imperialism as a clear example of how deeply things have changed; just recently, the US would have swiftly rallied all resources to crush them with impunity. And yet, they could barely get ECOWAS to lift a finger. Them having to resort to using Kenya as a proxy force to re-invade Haiti, and with such pitiful numbers, is an even clearer example of this. Ukraine has absolutely bankrupted the West.
That is not to say the Zionists will not retaliate as savagely as they can manage, they have already begun bombing northern Gaza civilian neighborhoods in a blind rage. Many innocent people will die. But the ultimate outcome of this new intifada has much better chances than the previous ones. We need to discard doomerism and take some hopepills comrade, we live in truly optimistic times for liberation across the whole world.
two things make me hopeful that something bigger is brewing:
The IDF ws undeniably taken by surprise. How did they miss something this big? Either Hamas got some massive outside support in terms of counter-intelligence, which means there are state actors that are actively involved, or the zionist intelligence apparatus is far weaker than we are led to believe. Which by extension leads to the question of how battle-ready the IDF actually is. Perhaps there are weaknesses to be exploited we are not yet aware of? There are reports of entire reserve units refusing to deploy near Gaza. Perhaps the morale and motivation of the average IDF soldier is lower than we think? At the end of the day they are conscripts, willing to shell palestinian civilians from afar but much less enthusiastic at the ideas of walking into the narrow streets of Gaza.
Hamas has limited resources. Black market weapons and smuggling only get you so far, and with a very battered population of slightly more than half a million, a full-on frontal attack looks very unreasonable. Right now it looks like Hamas is sacrificing everything to fight an unwinnable war, and that just can’t be the case unless the plan was to resist for decades only to commit a state-suicide. Couple this with the reports of a “tense” situation on the lebanese border, the warnings of retaliation by Egypt if Gaza is invaded, the quick endorsement that came from Saudi Arabia… Plus the ominous messages on resistance channels claiming stuff like “the worst is yet to come” and “this is just the beginning”. This can’t be it, there has to be a plan besides “let’s all run into israeli cities with our ak’s”
Exactly, while Palestine is usually not at an advantage when it comes to confrontations with the occupier (due to the equipment mismatch) – and even today they suffered seemingly bigger losses – they know what they’re doing and have been doing it for decades. Their troops are honestly very well trained if you watch videos. There’s no way they didn’t plan for what would come next, they know all the dirty tactics from the occupier.
I wouldn’t even be surprised if they’re trying to move the fight to Gaza, where Israel has suffered a devastating defeat last time they tried an incursion and then said never again. Abu Obeida said earlier that they have more POWs than the media is saying, and that they posted them all around Gaza so that the colonizer would think twice before striking.
Several hundred Israelis now dead, many captured, many barracks and depots and entire neighborhoods captured, many tanks and other armored vehicles destroyed, more and more fighters streaming in. Several very high ranking Israeli officers dead or captured. Defense systems malfunctioning from being overwhelmed. Utter chaos trying to deal with multiple fronts, as well as dealing with the constant rocket fire. Very few Palestinians killed, relatively, especially compared to the usual ratio. This is a grand operation, not a blind rage retaliation to the mosque…although the rage is certainly helping.
This is amazing. History in the making. Sucks to reap what you sow innit? Big rip major bozo nation🙏
taking down the apartheid fence https://twitter.com/prolewiki/status/1710597521662267470
Al Jazeera live coverage hasn’t been too bad surprisingly, the woman on right now is great.
https://en.prolewiki.org/wiki/Operation_Storm_of_Al-Aqsa started a page