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Mao - Connolly - Uncle Ho - Che - Deng
Marxist-Leninist with some Mao and Deng
If I cheated everytime I worked with someone I find attractive I would have cheated dozens of times. Cheating isn’t something you have to do, just… Don’t do it. Also as others have said, start working in yourself, positive directions, self improvement…if you need to chat, message me.
I mean, from an UAWs perspective, Biden has gone above and beyond most US president’s. Bidens a piece of shit but he stood on the picket with UAW…For USian labor that is massive.
Wanted to check in with my USian friends, one told me he was paying 950 before the pandemic, is 1400 go up to 1500 in a few months. I sent him my condolences.
My brother in christ, please use paragraph breaks. 😱
Decline is inevitable if history is considered proof, however history demonstrates the death of empires takes many generations, in some cases, hundreds of years. So, while it may be declining, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be gone in five years, it will likely take decades.
The sheer amount of voting that takes place in China would make you shit your pants.
Not a movie, but a series about the early history of the CPC
Also recommend In the Name of the People, a show based on the anti-vorruption crackdown in the 2010s
I think it’s largely like the red cross or red crescent, so people don’t assume it’s some random crap and it gets taken care of, I’d you look at the image you can see actual markings on the boxes
This is a great post. Also second The Expanse, the book series is somehow even better imo.
I’ve got the vid. It’s fuckings sucks, can’t sleep, can’t relax, throat kills, head hurts. Should have worn a fucking mask at the work gathering. Dumb.
The hospital bombing may have been the match to light the fuse, it’s looking rough, in Amman they are attacking the Israelie embassy, Israel has urged its people to evacuate Turkiye, firefights erupting in Jerusalem, calls for the overthrow over Abbas in the West Bank, Israel just couldn’t resist bombing a hospital. Potentially over a thousand wounded and injuries dead in one strike. Fucked up.
Resistance News Network is reporting today I think
This is why I keep my politics close to my chest with most people and speak on it very specifically. Passion has put me in bad situations too many times. I suggest finding Communist friends but also practicing communication of your ideas in a less zealous way. It is hard but is very possible.
Israeli ground raids
An Israeli military spokesman said Israeli soldiers and tanks on Friday conducted their first ground raids into Gaza since Hamas fighters carried out a devastating attack on southern Israel on Saturday, killing at least 1,300 people and injuring more than 3,000.
More than 100 people, including Israelis and foreigners, are also being held captive by Hamas.
Israeli authorities say the soldiers in the initial raids targeted Palestinian rocket crews and tried to gain information about the captives. The small-scale operations are a likely prelude to an anticipated ground invasion.
My family chat is all pro Palestine, includes homeland and diaspora,
Can’t make this shit up
Yeah, things went from oh boy hope the US and Russia don’t fight to, oh boy, I hope the entire world doesn’t nuke each other because Israel has to keep being an apartheid, like really really bad, in like 48 hours. Got whiplash at this point.
Europeans returning to Europe after they realize they don’t like the desert.