You’re not banned here*, get in and explain why Yandere Simulator isn’t pedophilic. Don’t DM me like a coward.
do you really need to bully that kid in two separate threads?
Won’t SOMEBODY think of the children
This guy is definitely thinking about the children
Um TECHNICALLY the “women” are age 16, the legal age of consent in glorious Nippon
“She may look and act and speak like a child but rest assured, she is actually an ancient being, ages old beyond time.”
-a totally normal type of guy
could we please keep this stuff in the dunk tank
No because they got banned from the dunk tank and I wasn’t done dunking on them yet
Again, link my pedo apologizing. How the hell am I supposed to “defend myself” when the accusation doesn’t even point to something to defend.
All I did in that thread was *checks notes* describe what the word Yandre meant.
I’m gonna give you all at least one hour to pile onto this persnickety rapscallion, folks. Maybe less, but I’m feeling generous tonight—I’m feeling generous. Don’t say I don’t give you nice things!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Have fun I guess.
I never even talked about the game beyond “I’ve never heard of it before” and “the description someone else posted sounds terrible, but not sexual.”
If that’s enough to be branded a pedo apologizer here, not sure I give much of a fuck about the ban anymore.
I simply would not reflexively defend the game I know absolutely nothing about
What does the word “defend” mean to you?
I would say defending to me encompasses doubling down on a game you’ve never heard of until now being non-sexual because you feel compelled to repackage a stalker fetish as non-fetishistic
My friend, I literally said I had no idea if it was sexual in context of the game.
Then… just say that, take the L, acknowledge you can’t speak for it and move on, instead of continuing to fervently hold the line past that
I mean looking at your comments you’re technically correct I guess. What was the purpose of coming to the defense of “yandre” though? The guy and his game seem to be
if everyone else in the thread is to be believed, I’m not sure what defending him accomplishes.
What was the purpose of coming to the defense of “yandre” though?
Because I’m an adhd idiot that can’t help but info dump.
I’m not sure what defending him accomplishes
You literally just agreed I didn’t.
And we’re pointing out the word pedophile describes you.
What’s your problem with accurate use of words?
Good god this is such a typical reddit response.