The liberal brainwashing is complete, they’re as rabid as neo-cons.
who talks like this?
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Your average Chinese person could probably give less of a shit about the USA that foaming feral burgers do about China who live in their brain 24/7 and are responsible for literally everything bad in the world.
Anything I don’t like is chinese propaganda sorry
The liberal has the same brainwormed obsession with China and Russia, as conservatives and fascists do with trans people.
Could have stopped the rabies outbreak if we’d heeded the advise of the DPRK. Now all the liberals are hiding their Biden bites and insisting it is the tankies who are rabid for, uh…
it says here “wanting to withdraw the tanks”
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This is textbook virtue signalling. Competing with one another about who can most aggressively agree with the consensus position. There’s no effort to understand anything here, just farting and sniffing.
Seems to be the norm now, this is all I see outside of hexbear and a few other pockets.
apparently the most tame anti war org is just a wing of the CPC
When you think about it, the CPC is probably the greatest anti war org on the planet. It it reacted to America’s repeated provocations with anything less than complete calm and restraint, we’d probably all be dead.
To be fair to them, Code Pink is AFAIK pretty rad and they’re doing good work.
if you think about it anyone who criticises war is a traitor.
Everything I don’t like is a Russian / Chinese bot. Literally everything. The second I dislike something even slightly, it’s automatically a Russian / Chinese bot. Their bot technology is just that good. In fact they have shoved 100% of their GDP into bot production so they can write convincing posts on Lemmy. That’s how you know communist countries don’t know how to efficiently run an economy.
More Reddit than Reddit themselves.
Also u/ilovethebomb is a notorious Ukraine shill, I’ve seen them every time this war comes up. They’re not the one-off mindless innocent lib, they purposely go on Lemmygrad to be angry and get owned.
More Reddit than Reddit themselves.
You can remove the Redditor from Reddit, but you can’t remove Reddit from the Redditor.
After that other post showcasing that Reddit thread filled with bots, I’m actually finding it so much easier to believe that these people really are bots. But my reasoning isnt the best. I just don’t know anyone at all like this
Eglin air force base most reddit addicted city of 2013
Using the words “authoritarian regime” sets of either state department bot alarm bells or fallen-for-propaganda alarm bells.
Even if a country is that, in my head that’s a term that journalists use for “the bad countries” and I could never say it sincerely.
Every country has an authoritarian regime, it came free with your nation state.
Ukraine will fight to the last man and woman, I promise you that from my air-conditioned wine cave!
Good; the more fascists in jail, the better
Username is antifa
ah yes, but, you see, what you don’t see here is that we’re actually the Adults In The Room and we’re doing Adulting, a higher-order concept that your ignoramus brain could never understand, tankie
I out here using some words. Doesn’t really matter what they mean. I just like using them.
Propaganda! Treason! CHINAAAA!!
Isn’t it funny how these peaceniks only come out against war when the tide turns in Ukraine’s favor
I know the U.S. is breaking international law to give them seized Iranian weapons and ammunition, but every single source basically agrees they’re bleeding out for inches
I know propaganda is a hell of a drug, but still!
Completely botching a counter offensive because NATO tactics and weapons suck ass is the tide turning in Ukraine’s favour apparently.
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