I fucking hate these shitheads, I was arguing with one earlier and no matter how many facts I gave him with proper sources he just refused to actually show any kind of respect
“But muh chromosomes!”
Yeah because when I’m checkin’ some fine thang out at the club, the first thing I wanna ask them is “mmmmm, c’mere and let me see them genetic markers…”
Ain’t nothing sexier than an electron microscope in your pocket!
Even if they are so worried about chromosomes, the existence of intersex people completely voids the binary. They don’t care about reality, they just want to back up their shitty position
I don’t think it’s possible to have a significant impact on transphobia on the internet purely via debate and text. I do think it’s very possible to have a substantial impact in real life just be being a visible trans person out in public life interacting with people.
A lot of people have never once in their life had a conversation with a trans person. It’s a lot harder to weaponize someone’s existence when they become a fixture in your life. It also gives you an opportunity to occasionally share some of your struggle with people and educate them in a more direct way, but I think the former is often more valuable.
Debate people with your wit. Debate fascists with your fist. Cure people with your head. Cure fascists with your lead.
Same goes for tankies.
You cant logic someone out of a position they didnt logic themselves into.
They believe in this horseshit because they want to, not because they think it makes any sense. They believe in it because they are scared, stupid and confused.
I don’t try to defend them, fuck them, but after having so many arguments with tankies on lemmy I simply came to a conclusion that if I crticise ruzzia or China and someone comes to defense to them with well known propaganda “arguments” I just call them a bitchass tankie and block them
I remember when the whole Hexbeargate thing happened, one tankie accused a user here of being ableist for using a relatively (in my opinion) inoffensive word (it wasn’t a slur, but considering that one of the server owners found it offensive too, I’m not going to say what word it was here). You know, while defending the leaders who executed people for being disabled.
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Typically the word to refers to communists that are pro-authoritarian, pro-military force, and some amount of bizarrely nationalist.
The word is also, confusingly, used to describe all communists (by people that don’t like communists) and several other subcategories. Really, you can’t ever guess how someone means it when you see them say it. Some people self-describe as tankie, either because they fully agree with the term, or because people call them that anyways.
On lemmy, 90% of the time, “tankie” just literally means “someone from lemmygrad or hexbear”, which is kinda fairly earned, because that is where all the pro-authoritarian, pro-military force, bizarrely nationalist communists hang out, but to be clear, not all of the people in those communities are like that.
Also they hate being defined this way. They will ramble for hours about how “anti-authoritarian” isn’t real or is counter productive, and more like that. While spamming weird left unity emojis every time someone mentions anarchism…
The word is also, confusingly, used to describe all communists (by people that don’t like communists) and several other subcategories.
Which is hilariously ironic given the term was created by communists
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If you want my opinion, the biggest keystone flaw in their thinking is being so ready to support/defend any nation that is or has ever described itself as communist. There is a lot of toxicity from nationalism that leads to things like pro-authoritarianism and advocating military force, and you can see it from nationalists whether they are communist or not.
Eta: But no, I don’t think this kinda stuff is inherent to communism. I think it is common in people who crave the validity of state-backed communism more than they are willing to scrutinize the history and peoples involved with the states they are supporting
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They really don’t tbh, they like having the image of communism, but they support totalirian, brutal regimes like Ruzzia, China and North Korea. While all three like acting and saying they are communist, they aren’t.
Russia hasn’t been pretending to be communist/socialist since 1991.
basically someone with communist political views except that they support totalitarianism and will say good things about governments such as ussr and china despite never having been there
Do yourself a favor and actually visit the scary tankie websites and see for yourself. Any information you’ll get from either sides will be biased, especially in this com.
An old friend of mine eventually revealed himself to be a transphobe. He also revealed that he thought that you could get AIDS from toilet seats. Toted himself as an “enlightened spiritualist and intellectual”.
The reality is that transphobes are literally too stupid to reason with.
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Thought he was joking at first, too, but, no, he honestly believed that. I did end up saying “You know that was debunked years ago, right…?” So I don’t know if he’s changed his mind on it.
But he’s also an El×n M×sk fanboy, so make of that what you will.
We are no longer friends. For obvious reasons.
Persuasion is difficult. For most people, facts and logic just don’t matter. It is a matter of feeling.
If anyone is interested, I’d suggest looking into street epistemology on YouTube. They offer excellent examples of how to use the Socratic method to help people question their own beliefs, but also not feel like you are attacking or judging them for their beliefs.
I’ll link one: https://youtu.be/A-M1EyhcRS8?si=td3mrstOSap60uJX
Someone posted a video on SE the other day and it was really cool 😎
Yeah man. The channels “cordial curiosity” and “Anthony Magnobasco” are the best in my opinion. They often tend to be about religion, but the skills are applicable in basically any kind of topic.
The more people feel attacked for their view the less they will let go of it. This is why 1on1 in multiple calm conversations you have the best odds of convincing these people. Also don’t argue with logic appeal to their emotional side. People will understand better if you bring themselves into the position. Don’t expect one conversation to change their mind it can only kickstart change.
Some people, regardless of how far their views are, can have those views changed.
Some people, regardless of how close their views are, cannot have those views changed.
“Changing their minds” is always an incomplete solution to prejudice. It should be attempted, but cannot “solve” the issue culturally.
Education could solve this issue, but the so-called “culture war” makes it increasingly difficult.
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Comments like this are what the normal conservative gets pointed at, to show them that liberal ideas are dangerous. So thanks for that.
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They are not interested in facts and logic, they are interested in wearing you down until you give up and/or feel worse about yourself. They are not arguing in good faith, and they are not worth your time or mental effort.
That’s why they have gulags and guillotines