I fucking hate these shitheads, I was arguing with one earlier and no matter how many facts I gave him with proper sources he just refused to actually show any kind of respect
I fucking hate these shitheads, I was arguing with one earlier and no matter how many facts I gave him with proper sources he just refused to actually show any kind of respect
I don’t think it’s possible to have a significant impact on transphobia on the internet purely via debate and text. I do think it’s very possible to have a substantial impact in real life just be being a visible trans person out in public life interacting with people.
A lot of people have never once in their life had a conversation with a trans person. It’s a lot harder to weaponize someone’s existence when they become a fixture in your life. It also gives you an opportunity to occasionally share some of your struggle with people and educate them in a more direct way, but I think the former is often more valuable.