“Communism bad”
200 year old tropes so ancient they were debunked by Marx himself
Of course, you go through the motions of explaining the most basic political concepts that could be grasped by skimming the cliff notes for literally any Marxist works
“Friedrich Engels? Is he like the president of Germany or something?”
It’s like a kindergartener trying to teach you calculus.
But the fact that the capitalist death machine was able to successfully genocide all those people trying different ways of living proves that capitalism is the best possible economic system! This is just straightforward Darwin!
it is fucking astounding the number of “intellectuals” who still think Darwinism is a moral framework. READ DARWIN YOU FUCKING FUCKS!!! THE WHOLE POINT IS THAT IT’S A WASTEFUL, AMORAL SYSTEM, and imposing it deliberately IS FUCKING EVIL!
one of my favorite lectures of all time is this lecture by Stephen J Gould on Darwin’s revolution in thought
guy writes about how natural selection, and nature as a whole, is an unending arms race of infinite brutality, cruelty, and exploitation
Libs: We should strive to emulate this
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Oh shit oh fuck…
Wait I think I have a rebuttal to that