Back again with these threads! For all the new folks, this is a safe space to tell us about anything cool you have going on, anything you want to vent about, and everything in between.

Remember, you are loved stalin-heart

Things have been up and down for me. In a glum mood today. Been hanging out with someone new, and that’s been nice, I’m just not sure if I really want to keep it up. Home life is…fine, I guess. Still living with my ex, they’re gonna give things until the end of the year to see if their career picks up any, and if not, they’ll move home. That said, they’ve been talking about that for years, so I’ll believe it when I see it. They broke down and finally yelled at me for the first time a few nights ago, so I silently carved a pumpkin and then just stayed over with the person I’ve been seeing. As nice as the couch I live on is, it was nice to sleep in a bed for a night or two this past week.

Job front is slow moving, but I had a promising interview last Wednesday. Was supposed to hear back Thurday afternoon or Friday, but even with a followup email I sent, no reply. Fingers crossed I guess.

I deleted a few of my dating apps, still have a small amount installed. A Maoist actually hollered at me this morning and wants to take me to an arcade. Not sure I have the energy though. Other people are asking me for dates, but I’m just…not replying. I should go do that now so I don’t leave them hanging.

On a brighter note, 9 day tour coming up in 2 weeks, so that’s cool! Without giving away too much (y’all know my band anyways and have seen my face), I’ll be going around the midwest. We’ve been doing well on selling merch the past few months, so that money should be sufficient to cover the tour. Also, we’ll have a roadie for the first time!

I’ll end it here I guess. Hope all my comrades are well, and I love you! meow-hug

  • bigboopballs [he/him]
    1 year ago

    don’t have any friends. haven’t had IRL people to hang out with for about 17 years when I was still in high-school.

    tired of being completely passed up on dating sites because I am boring and can’t make an “intersting” dating site profile because no life/hobbies. idc if it’s real relationship to a fling or FWB or whatever, I’d take anything, but I’ve never had anything at all and I’m 33 fuckin years old

    there is nowhere to even go if I had the money or ability to get there. I don’t have a car and it takes me 30 minutes to walk to the nearest anything – and those anythings are just a handful of grocery stores and fastfood places, and I hate to say it, but I’m not going to make friends by trying to strike up conversations in the line to pay for groceries all day.

    wasting the prime years of my life trapped in this shitty suburb-without-a-city, trapped in small basement suite where I have to live with an abusive grandparent, and unable to even get a girlfriend or do anything with my fucking life besides wonder when I will be forced to get a job at fucking McDonald’s again

    don’t see much reason to not kill myself, even though I don’t feel bad enough to actually do that (yet). but I don’t see any other future happening for me. the only thing I have to potentially look forward to is the small chance that I will be able to get on disability for mental-illness like next year maybe (if at all).

  • Owl [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I got rejected in a really awful way at the start of the week. It left me feeling this unhinged excess energy all week (early on I felt like I wanted to jump out of my skin). I managed to put all that weird energy towards productive things. But some of those productive things included ramping up my workout routine, so now I have even more energy??

    I keep looking back at what I’ve done this week and thinking “That was only two days ago?” / “I did that?” / “Wow I handled that incredibly well.”

    So… feel mildly bad, way too much energy, making good decisions and being responsible. IDK. It’s a weird vibe.

  • BountifulEggnog [she/her]
    1 year ago

    (cw) Not well. Probably going to fail the class I was taking. Sucks. I barely even tried. I hate being an adult. I do well, except when I have to actually function and be “productive”. Fuck me. Oh, and the sh urges are back. Fuck I’m pathetic. I feel like I’m drowning.

    For something positive, one of my snakes has started eating again so I’ll be able to keep it. The long hunger strike really scared me, I thought I was going to have to get rid of her too.

  • ilyenkov [she/her, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Kind of a mixed bag here: dating apps are going great, been on a lot of cool dates. But like trying to do basically anything else and I just disassociate or panic. Nothing feels real anymore.

  • PaX [comrade/them, they/them]
    1 year ago

    Hii corgi!!

    This is my first time posting in one of these threads but I always read them and the love, solidarity, and support never fails to be refreshing.

    cw: drug use

    The few last months have been pretty bleak for me. Lost my job, apartment, car, and most hope lol. Have kinda been on a drug binge for the last few days. The fun is running out and coming off of this shit over the next few days will probably be hell. And I have a drug test in a week for a new job. I think I can still pass, though, cuz everything I’ve been doing are research chems. Well, hopefully cuz I really need money lol.

    I really don’t see a future where things will be okay for me. It’s okay though, I’m just along for the ride at this point. Maybe some capitalist will give me money for my projects at some point lol. Right now, still working, slowly, on my programming language. I am trying to create a kind of “dialectical logical” programming language where development of the state of the program is driven by relations and contradictions between objects in the program. I’ll make a post about it sometime when it’s in a presentable state.

    I hope you have a great tour! Getting really sleepy, gonna log off soon


  • punk_punk [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    I helped my partner way more than I should have on homework they put off and couldnt do because they did not do a single thing in preparation. They are really struggling with self-esteem issues and procrastination. I tried to keep calm but I ended up calling them out over their behaviour after some time. I really hope I was not too harsh. I am tired.

  • oscardejarjayes [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I’ve been feeling great lately, but I can’t quite figure out why. Not all that much in my life has changed between now and a few months ago, or even last year. As much as it would be cool to attribute this change to Hexbear, it feels like its become more noticeable in the past month (I joined 11 days ago).

  • sharkfucker420 [comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    Doing mostly good, happy relationship and my studies are going soso. Working on getting my insomnia treated but at the moment my sleep schedule is non existent. Once I get that worked out I’ll be golden

  • M68040 [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Struggling to get a full eight hours of sleep due to an inability to stop worrying about politics, both stateside and abroad. Still, I got an assload of soldering done and I managed to clean my toilet so violently I broke the wand brush by accident

  • plsgimmefrogs [they/he]
    1 year ago

    I’ve been coming to terms with the fact that my mental health won’t improve until capitalism is gone. I am also trying really hard to not fall into doomerism again but it’s really hard. There are elections in my country this month and I’m really scared because the right will probably gain a lot. All in all it’s not looking too good but I’ll stick around just in case. And to yell at cops at protests.

    I wish you all the luck with your interviews and hope that you will get away from your ex.

  • the_itsb [she/her, comrade/them]
    1 year ago

    I’m going through the kind of difficult time where I don’t even want to - honestly, can’t physically bear to - discuss it with anyone because it just makes it all feel more real and overwhelming, and maybe I can once again just grit my teeth and crawl through it without telling anybody how much it hurts.

    But, despite all that, seeing the kindness and compassion in these comments was soothing, so - thank you for this. I really appreciate this thread and reading all the sweetness between you all. You are all wonderful. ❤️

  • NotErisma [they/them, any]
    1 year ago

    Currently having an existential crisis because of my I caught my lib “friends” defending the Yaroslav Hunka shenanigans.

    I mean, I already knew the wiring on the wall with how they talk about Indigenous people, NATO and Ukraine, but for some reason its barely all sinking in now.

    So- whatever, at least I got a copy of Braiding Sweetgrass and I see my boyfriend soon kitty-cri-texas