“Sophisticated understanding of history” to the average redditor:
Commies always bad, and that’s the end of it. End of discussion.
Nazis on the other hand deserve nuance, some of them were just uwu smol beans fighting for freedom, freedom from the evil commies who were definitely much worse than the nazis so actually the nazis were good but not all nazis were nazis but all commies were commies Hitler loved animals they were just defending their culture have you read this book about IQ the reason everything is shit is feminism transgender cultural marxism god I love america china bad cryptocurrency i want to be a landlord stem tesla musk jordan peterson intellectual dark web 1350 and thats why i vote blue no matter who trump 2024
Liberals got scratched and now we have something even worse than ”Commies and Nazis are just as bad”.
To be fair you have to have a high IQ to enjoy Rick and Morty etc etc…
And scho on
The Soviets fucking killed Nazis and fascists and antisemites by the millions so the poor guy was just fighting for his life.
look, you can act all high and mighty, but i bet if you lived in ukraine at the time, and you loved fascism and hated communism and jews and homosexuals and women, and thought there was a conspiracy to corrupt the soul of your beautiful nation, then you would have joined the SS too! so think before you speak.
I’m using the correct tone. I’m better and more mature than you 🙄
I fucking hate these dweebs
This is the culmination of the liberal “both sides” thing. It’s the chickens come home to roost. Liberals have spent decades now convincing themselves the Soviets and the Nazis were the same thing, but to the ones who wanted to be nuanced or seem smart would always say the Soviets were worse. Libs are so far up their own butt with acting like tortured geniuses, beset by a complicated world full of nuance. “Oh to be struck in a situation where I must collaborate with monsters. I have been forced by nuance into this SS uniform I chose to wear and I know what it represents.”
However there can be nuance for anything associated with Russia. Liberals view Russia as a unique abyss in human history. It’s Nyarlathotep himself, inconceivable and impossible to negotiate with. It’s always bad in every single historical event, even when it’s seemingly doing something good, it’s still bad. That’s the conclusion they’ve spun themselves into believing
The rest of the thread is just as bad. Since there was a single commission about if the SS officers that Canada deliberatly imported that didn’t find them guilty they did nothing wrong.
There also seems to be some kind of perception that Ukraine was a sovereign state that joined the Nazis against Soviet aggression rather than an SSR that was invaded by Nazis who recruited people who were supportive of their efforts.
“Your take is too simplistic, it requires more nuance”
“Nuance on what? What needs to be elaborated?”
“It needs… nuance…”
“What part of this needs any kind of elaboration?”
“The part that needs nuance”
Remember kids, when logic and reality get in your way, just say you need to add nuance until it’s morally acceptable!
You know all those videos of Ukrainians doing a pogrom on Jewish people?
It’s actually a lot more sophisticated than it looks, you need to try and sympathize with their unique circumstances. Russia was communist so they had to kill the Jews. This doesn’t mean they were Nazis.
You see, the Nazis hated the Jews because they thought they were part of the Judeo-Bolshevist cabal that was trying to take over the world. So they were actually not antisemites, but wholesome anti-communists.
I once did come across “the tsar wasn’t anti-semitic he only hated Jews because he thought they were behind plots to overthrow him”
The black hundreds were also just blameless uwu wholesome chunguses. They were merely trying to stop all the “lesser races” and socialists from corrupting their society. Nothing racist about that.
The really grim part is that that particular subreddit is actually one of the least-awful Canadian subreddits. If even the self-described “progressives” are this bloodthirsty, you can imagine how vicious the other ones are.
Seeing how fast even alleged progressives are to rehabilitate Nazis is some real black pill shit.
Anti-communism is a helluva drug (propaganda)
Least fascist Canadian sub (no, seriously).
Nah, that’d probably go to /r/canadaleft
r/onguardforthee used to be cool, what happened? Did the cool people leave when reddit killed 3rd-party apps or has it been like this for awhile?
It has never been anything but liberal astroturfing. It was created as a reaction to /r/canada’s fascists gloating about Trump’s win.
As soon as Canada’s own elections came around, any discussion that wasn’t strictly about the Liberal Party of Canada being Light Itself was suppressed.
It was literally never cool. One of the guy who starts it is some anti-blood donation shitlib, even.
But it’s probably getting dipshits like this who come out of the woodwork on every Canadian sub when the far-right gets criticized. There was a cop in Ottawa on video saying basically defeatist white replacement talking points and r/Ottawa and r/Ontario were flooded with accounts with no prior interaction with those subs and posters there then found a 4chan thread telling people to go to the subs to make insincere non-arguments like this post has.
One of the first comments: there were three sides (because the UPA totally wasn’t affiliated with Nazi Germany), the Holodomor was man-made and equivalent to the Holocaust and the UPA’s massacres
That’s some good double genocide disguised as NuAnCe
“It’s very nuanced actually.” I say as I put on a brown shirt.
“You can’t just say something is bad without context.” I affix my red armband.
“History isn’t black and white.” I shave all my facial hair except a thin patch in the center of my lip.
“People were fighting against the Russians as much as they were fighting for the Germans.” I brandish my copy of Mein Kampf.
“Fighting for the Germans in WW2 doesn’t make you a Nazi.” I begin to sieg heil and goose-step.
I hate the libs on that sub. What kind of dork makes a sub named after a national anthem? You’re supposed to learn to hate national anthems when you are forced to stand at attention and sing them when you’re a small child in elementary school.
when you are forced to stand at attention and sing them when you’re a small child in elementary school.
i thought that was just an american thing
canada is america with better branding
a lot of countries only play national anthems after sports
Thanks I hate it.
these people are so nuanced in their political thinking they have joined the Sophisticate Society