He did a whole bunch of pyrovalerones, mostly a-pvp and mdpv iirc. A rather cursed class of drugs known for blending the worst aspects of meth and crack, causing extreme hypersexuality and paranoia, and smelling like cum
At this point I’ve gotten several different outrageous answers and I’m not sure which is true or if all of them are true. I’m choosing to believe it’s all of them
I’m guessing he might be doing what John McAfee did
Nsfl but
Paid hookers to shit in his mouth?
Possibly, but I was referring to (cw self-harm)
him making a big show of saying he’s not suicidal and the government is after him, and then killing himself.
From your lips to god’s ear
What did he do? I didn’t follow him that much
He did a whole bunch of pyrovalerones, mostly a-pvp and mdpv iirc. A rather cursed class of drugs known for blending the worst aspects of meth and crack, causing extreme hypersexuality and paranoia, and smelling like cum
At this point I’ve gotten several different outrageous answers and I’m not sure which is true or if all of them are true. I’m choosing to believe it’s all of them
John McAfee went to Belize, took over a town with his private army, and also fucked a whale i think.
CW: Suicide
McAfee killed himself to avoid prison, but before doing so he claimed people were out to get him so he could make his death mysterious instead of sad.