Superhuman order not necessarily supernatural. Unless you hold the philosophical position in wich reality is a product of human subjective experience. No i have not read the book but it says rigth there in the screenshot.
Its certainly a wierd taxonomy and i have no idea of what uses it may have. But there are sets that can be defined in such a way.
My main issue was with the “belief” and “order” parts so I didn’t even notice that I wrote it wrong. In science, there’s no concept of order or chaos. These are results of how humans process information and perceive their environment.
Relativity, or any other theory with predictions supported by experimentation are facts, not the order of things. If we find something that might be colloquially called out of order, this means the theory ought to be amended or replaced. This has no bearing on the actual phoenomenon, which was never in contradiction with the occurrance. They also don’t require belief beyond the acceptance that our observations ar egenerally accurate.
I should go into why I find his classification of religion entirely off but I’m too sleepy to muster the energy.
To play devils advocate one could argue that the theory of relativity stated as a matematical metaphor is already the information as processed by humans. And that such a descriptive statment about the world implies a belef in consistent natural laws.
I also dont see how that description about religion is useful. Dont worry abou being sleepy. Rest comarade. Somtimes i have migranes and take days to reply
Superhuman order not necessarily supernatural. Unless you hold the philosophical position in wich reality is a product of human subjective experience. No i have not read the book but it says rigth there in the screenshot.
Its certainly a wierd taxonomy and i have no idea of what uses it may have. But there are sets that can be defined in such a way.
My main issue was with the “belief” and “order” parts so I didn’t even notice that I wrote it wrong. In science, there’s no concept of order or chaos. These are results of how humans process information and perceive their environment.
Relativity, or any other theory with predictions supported by experimentation are facts, not the order of things. If we find something that might be colloquially called out of order, this means the theory ought to be amended or replaced. This has no bearing on the actual phoenomenon, which was never in contradiction with the occurrance. They also don’t require belief beyond the acceptance that our observations ar egenerally accurate.
I should go into why I find his classification of religion entirely off but I’m too sleepy to muster the energy.
To play devils advocate one could argue that the theory of relativity stated as a matematical metaphor is already the information as processed by humans. And that such a descriptive statment about the world implies a belef in consistent natural laws.
I also dont see how that description about religion is useful. Dont worry abou being sleepy. Rest comarade. Somtimes i have migranes and take days to reply