And seatbelts. When they get shot, the whole bridge (but not the whole ship? or there’d be dozens of casualties every time) goes flying. But not when the ship spins around in a tactical maneuver. Do the stabilizers just go out with every hit?
I’d guess the ag field can adjust for maneuvers, but not unexpected jolts from battle? And yeah why do we never hear about the shattered tanks in hydroponics, people falling into the warp core, and doctors getting stabbed by their own scalpels every time a laser hits the ship?
And seatbelts. When they get shot, the whole bridge (but not the whole ship? or there’d be dozens of casualties every time) goes flying. But not when the ship spins around in a tactical maneuver. Do the stabilizers just go out with every hit?
I’d guess the ag field can adjust for maneuvers, but not unexpected jolts from battle? And yeah why do we never hear about the shattered tanks in hydroponics, people falling into the warp core, and doctors getting stabbed by their own scalpels every time a laser hits the ship?