People online have a bad habit of larping like any red or black army actually exists or is even likely to exist in the near term. Saying stuff like never organize with X group as though there aren’t already few enough leftists out here to begin with.
We’re so far from the point where we can even imagine what faction of the left will claim a majority in any hypothetical revolution and people are arguing about China or “red-fash” nonsense when we have a crumbling empire right at our feet that needs us to organize and unite.
We have a hell of a lot of work to do both in outreach and education and must provide a clear alternative to reactionary groups for the masses losing faith in the legitimacy or efficacy of liberal capitalism before we start rehashing 100 year old ideological beefs.
The tankies aren’t going to murder you, there’s no impending revolution for the anarchists to betray and thinking that the exact same historical conflicts and mistakes will be inevitably repeated is defeatist and anti-materialist.
A better world is possible. None of us can accurately say how or when we will get there but unless we get our shit together it will be to late. Maybe it already is too late, maybe the world has already ended but we have to at least try.
Oh I’m definitely not worried about red fash ever gaining power and murdering me or being relevant at all, that’s a guarantee if you look at orgs like black hammer lmao.
I am however identifying the reality that red fash and tankies of all stripes are on the trajectory to simply be absorbed as another reactionary element of whatever fascist party crops up in the US, the Ukraine invasion by russia has been just another piece, tankie spaces are identical to fash spaces and do nothing but regurgitate tucker carlson, there isn’t any illusion of “leftism” left.
We didn’t have to do anything because you owned yourself by being hyper reactionary, have fun in complete irrelevancy until you get mad enough at libs and anarchists you decide to join your local SS brigade and then post ironically and bitter on twitter “ugh can’t believe these libs made me join the SS, but you know a stopped clocked is right everyday fellow redditors, don’t forget to updoot!”
Post on main coward.
Like this, basically don’t be this
lol ratio
Also literally when did that ever happen lol dumbass
lmao they think I’m a tankie which is funny because while I have much respect for anyone doing work to advance communism, I very much am an anarchist, that’s what I fuckin do lol.
No materialism?
“this will show those pesky tankie anarkiddies!”