crime [she/her, any]

be gay do crime

  • 6 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • Oh yeah, the whole cybertruck is an engineering disaster I really want to hear a good deep dive on. There are so many systemic issues with its production, and it really is the exact shit you’d end up with by running a car manufacturer like a software company.

    It genuinely suffers from trying to reinvent the wheel for like literally every part of the car - most automakers purchase parts from specialized manufacturers that serve a bunch of different automakers, Tesla builds nearly everything in-house and as a result suffers from issues that every other manufacturer solved many decades ago (like auto glass that doesn’t spontaneously shatter, functional windshield wipers, wheels that don’t rip off at the lug nuts, basic waterproofing, etc)

  • I enjoyed it as well, it was a big fixture of my musical theatre enjoyer phase back in the day and I think it really lived up to the play.

    I always thought the politics were decent for being half-baked, since it at least gets “fascism bad” and “capitulating to fascists for personal benefit also bad”.

    The heavy homoerotic subtext also holds a special place in my heart, really glad they turned it up to an eleven.

    Ariana Grande did a much better job than I was expecting, too, she was really good at playing up the camp.

  • It’s specifically 17x more fire fatalities per car on the road - 5/35000 for the cyberturd, something like 30/3000000 for the pinto.

    Notably the Pinto’s design was placing the gas tank behind the rear bumper, so getting rear-ended badly enough could cause a fireball. The big scandal was that Ford did the math on the cost of settlements vs recalls and found settlements would be cheaper, so they didn’t fix the issue.

    Cyberturd on the other hand has big lithium batteries strapped to the bottom, notably locks occupants in the vehicle in the event of power failure (e.g. bad crash or battery failure, explosive or otherwise) AND its “apocalypse proof” design means it takes first responders a long time to smash through the windows to rescue you before you’re barbecued.