poor leftists talk about poverty, labor aristocrats get uncomfortable and insist that sociological classes aren’t materialist. “all that matters is that we’re working class - we’re all in this together”
black leftists talk about racism, whites get uncomfortable and insist that they’re not personally part of the problem. “we mustn’t allow the bourgeois to divide the proletariat along racial lines - we’re all in this together”
female leftists talk about patriarchy, men get uncomfortable and insist that it hurts them too. “this men vs women stuff is reductive anyway - we’re all in this together”
third world leftists talk about imperialism, americoids get uncomfortable and insist that red white and blue lives matter too. “what happened to the international working class - we’re all in this together”
you don’t have to invite yourself to every form and experience of oppression. anyone with a baby’s consciousness of intersectionality ought to be capable of admitting when they have privilege
Tbh, I think maybe we’re speaking past each other, because these comments are something I can absolutely understand. Maybe I misunderstood your previous comments, because to me, they came off extremely class reductionist and dismissive of other marginalized people’s struggles. I’m sorry, comrade.
Oh… I’m sorry too. I think this is my fault for not articulating myself well, so please don’t apologize. After re-reading what I typed, it was more confrontational than I intended. Maybe I’m too used to reddit (I’m told you guys call it storefront. That’s awesome and so well deserved) so I haven’t gotten used to these good faith conversations. Sorry again .