I guess I find the current obsession with russo-ukrianian conflict strange and maybe even counter productive given the tasks that are at hand right now like rebuilding the lefts organizational capacity creating local connections and services things that are more fun then watching a war you know from across the ocean or like cheer leading for brics or whatever because its not like that effects really anything unless leaders of foreign or a senator goes on hexbear which would be equally funny and maddening. I guess I don’t just want to left to be a sub culture forever.
I work with two organizations in my area since they are the only to exist.
We got so much shit to do we need more people analyzing in real time and producing theory and praxis at the same time. You know walk and chew bubblegum, like I find it hard to find people besides like 3-4 American commentary that produce new Marxist anaylist on the current econmy.
the vast majority of the american left can’t handle bananas going up in price by like 25%. imagine selling them on internationalism.
“no, your standard of living won’t really improve; in fact without all of our neocolonies and client states you’ll probably be worse off than before. dework? no way, actually it would be monstrous to sit back and enjoy your pile of imperialist loot, you will work at least as much as before and export your surplus to help your fellow workers whom you despoiled to become this comfortable in the first place. I’ll be taking all your toys too since our carbon budget was overdrawn like 75 years ago. so, how would you like to risk life and limb for the revolution, comrade?”