“This f – – king bullshit wouldn’t have happened with Zelenskyy,” Penn said of Ukraine’s sixth president. “Will Smith would never have left that chair to be part of stupid violence. It never would have happened. I thought, well, f – – k, you know? I’ll give them to Ukraine. They can be melted down to bullets they can shoot at the Russians.”
Homie needs to switch dealers cause his shit is tainted as fuck
wtf happend to this guy? His parents were leftists, his father was blacklisted during the House Un-American Activities Committee. He was Pro Chavez and the Bolivarian Revolution, but he’s turned into a State Department ghoul with this Ukraine situation.
You have to remember that he’s very stupid. He’s all feeling and no thought. Sometimes that serves him, mostly it doesn’t.
deleted by creator
many such cases
actor Sean Penn, noted for his consistent and rational sense of proportion.
During a break in filming, Penn attacked extra Jeffrey Klein, who photographed him and Robert Duvall. The court found that Penn spat and swore at Klein, who responded by spitting back at the actor, which prompted him to repeatedly punch the extra with a closed fist until members of the cast and crew successfully dragged him away.
Is that a fucking onion piece disguised as real news, or are actual events just that bizarre now?
that was the 80s, when young Hollywood was showing us provincial rubes how awesome and sophisticated cocaine was.
why do people care abt the damn slap so much? i loved it, my gf did too, but her mom went full “he should be arrested” over it
yeah who gives a fuck about a celebrity being slapped. Like it’s such a small thing when you have any sense of perspective but people get so worked up about it it’s quite puzzling
Reads title
Did I just have a stroke? 😰
It may not be common knowledge to folks these days, but Penn was known to have a temper and got busted for assault a few times in the 80s. It’s silly to ask him to weigh in, and to consider his opinion as worthy of respect.
Therefore his petitition to compare his multiple assaults and will’s slap is summarily denied.
The man thinks the 33 days he spent in jail combined for all of his assaults gives him the right to be bitter? He’s enjoyed more than his share of privilege. he could use a good hard slap in the face.
Sean Penn is a truly vile person based on everything I’ve ever heard about him
CW violence, mentions of SA
Didn’t he literally tie up Madonna and beat and sexually assault her over a period of days? I don’t know if it was ever confirmed since Madonna supposedly tried to cover it up because it would be bad for her image
Well, according to the Daily Beast (so grain of salt but…)
CW: Just...lots, but also SA and violence and kidnapping
According to a police report filed by Madonna, Penn scaled their Malibu home that afternoon, found Madonna alone in her bedroom, and told her that he owned her “lock, stock, and barrel.”
According to reports, “When she told him she was leaving the house, he tried to bind her hands with an electric lamp and cord. Screaming and afraid, Madonna fled from the bedroom. What followed was a nine-hour ordeal which left her deeply shaken. Penn chased her into the living room, caught her and bound her to a chair with heavy twine. Then he threatened to cut off her hair.”
He allegedly “smacked and roughed up” Madonna while she was tied to a chair, and then left for a few hours to buy more booze—leaving his then-wife bound and gagged—only to return and continue terrorizing her. He only agreed to untie her after she “agreed to perform a degrading sex act on him,” and then fled the house, got in her car, and raced to the sheriff’s office—eventually stumbling inside.
Holy hell, he gets the wall
Oh wow.
I really liked him in The Thin Red Line (great movie) but I guess that’s over now.
I was going to make a silly comment about how gold wouldn’t make for good bullets but that got me down a rabbit hole of looking up what Oscar’s are made of and if there have ever been bronze or gold bullets. Apprently Oscar’s are solid bronze and gold plated. And while bronze bullets do exist they seem to be more for target practice and not serious shooting, and while there are some meme gold bullets I saw on YouTube, gold is actually not as soft as lead and therefore wouldn’t be as suitable.
imagine that gold’s heft would screw your ballistics as well.
I was going to make a smartass remark about how lead is obviously denser than gold, but then I looked it up and gold is almost twice as dense as lead, and now I realize my remark would have actually been a dumbass one, not a smartass one.
Embarrassing you don’t have the periodic table of elements memorized.
Might be better off just building a potato cannon that shoots oscars at people
i think the shooting direction is just off, the oscar is at its core a melee weapon. it must be rendered into a flail