I’m pretty left, yada yada whatever, y’all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.
I’m pretty left, yada yada whatever, y’all seem to know things I wanna know. Curious where you get your info and such and so on. Idk show me stuff, I wanna depropagandize myself.
Wanna clarify this isn’t a troll post, I genuinely do wanna learn and don’t know where to start
Do you like youtube videos or do you prefer to read? There’s some good stuff for both formats, just good to know what you find more receptive for yourself.
LunaOi and NonCompete have some decent YT vid channels that don’t get enough love.
I love to read but YouTube videos are great too. Realistically I’m probably more receptive to YouTube videos because they are easier to digest but I’m also instinctively more suspicious of them for some reason