Chicks rock
Oh, so you’re saying I CAN fix her
There’s a Beetlejuice musical? Theatres desperately trying to hook the young crowds by doing everything but making something original and good.
desperately trying to hook the young crowds
I hate to be the one to break it to you but Beetlejuice came out 35 years ago
It’s for older millennials but Im not really a fan of the trend of taking older movies and releasing them on Broadway (legally blonde, back to the future, mean girls, etc), at least they’re willing to change a bunch of stuff for it. The Beetlejuice musical has some catchy songs but it’s a totally different story so it’s not completely bankrupt culturally yet I guess
Rocky. There’s a Rocky fucking musical. How do they make that work?
Oh, that Rocky
It’s just all training montages and tap dancing. I assume…
I mean, the horror version was pretty good
I feel like some shows are supposed to be chaotic and a Beetlejuice show is one of hem. Like, if someone doesn’t get drunk and into a fight does it really have Beetlejuice energy?
I read the headline and thought, haha very funny Melina, this is high quality /c/fakenews.
I genuinely thought it was The Onion at first. Reality is really gunning for their niche market
i was living in bliss having forgotten that user ever existed, why did you have to remind me
Sorry, it is much funnier when you’re not expecting it.
was like, I thought I unsubbed from there
Do you know who I am? I’ll be contacting the mayor!!!
yeah i like her a little bit more now
Lauren Boebert go on Seeking Derangements this is a musical I might want to see
Critical support for ruining a bunch of people’s experience of watching a Beetlejuice musical
The beetlejuice musical sounds like it sucks but whatever excuse to toss her in the pit works
It’s actually really damn good
It’s the one with the scene with a girl selling cookies mentioning they cannot go inside due to pedophiles that it has been shared in social networks a long time ago or is now a different one?
Ooooh mental break incoming!
But she takes her gun (guns?) everywhere.
Wtf let her live? Everyone’s a hater.
God forbid women do anything