I’m trying to use LazyVim https://www.lazyvim.org/ to create and edit ansible playbooks and roles, but for the live of my I don’t understand how to enable ansible-language-server.
The installation of lazyvim went flawless and after starting nvim I used the command :Mason to install:
- ansible-language-server
- ansible-lint
- yaml-language-server
- yamllint
but still, when opening a task or playbook file in nvim, i don’t get any of that cool features like snippets and automatic syntax checking like I hoped.
Can anyone give me a hint how to enable those? Mason says the plugins are installed, is it only a problem of nvim not recognizing the filetype as ansible? Do I need to enable some plugins via .config/nvim/lua/plugins? I’m out of my element here, help would be much appreciated.
Can you paste the output of
when opening an ansible file? Wait a few seconds after opening the file to give the language server time to loadLspInfo
Language client log: /home/me/.local/state/nvim/lsp.log Detected filetype: yaml 1 client(s) attached to this buffer: Client: yamlls (id: 1, bufnr: [1]) filetypes: yaml, yaml.docker-compose autostart: true root directory: Running in single file mode. cmd: /home/me/.local/share/nvim/mason/bin/yaml-language-server --stdio Configured servers list: lua_ls, yamlls, bashls, ansiblels, tsserver, jsonls
Looks like the file is recognized as yaml but not as ansible.
Try putting
# vim:ft=yaml.ansible
at the top of your file then re-opening itthat work, but since I don’t want to touch all my yaml files, I looked into the ftdetect file I already created and saw an error in my path definition.
its working now. last thing i haven’t found out is, how to tell nvim to check syntax periodically and not only when saving. other then that it works pretty well. thank you