Catppuccin is excellent in terms of features, plugin support, and customizing highlight groups/palette colours
It’s technically a unibody split (notice that t and y are 2u apart) so that qualifies it as ergonomic according to the sidebar if I’m interpreting it correctly
Try putting # vim:ft=yaml.ansible
at the top of your file then re-opening it
Can you paste the output of :LspInfo
when opening an ansible file? Wait a few seconds after opening the file to give the language server time to load
Yes, it’s pretty much that simple but you will also need to change your stabs since there are now two keys to stabilize. That means you might have to take pretty much the whole board apart depending on what kind of stabs you have. It will likely be 2 × 2u stabs
I put my arrows on a layer under hjkl but I’ve also heard ijkl and wasd are popular for that
Check out the quefrency 65 rev 5 by It seems to match your criteria pretty well. For palm/wrist rests I use two purple squishies
When they say dying battery, I don’t think they mean discharging. They mean the battery has reached or is reaching the end of its life in terms of charge cycles and capacity
Before I sold my FC660C, I took it apart and lubed the sliders a few times with trybosis 3204. It was my first time taking apart a keyboard and wasn’t particularly difficult and the stabilizer keys are really just wider regular topre keys. There is a wire, but it’s inside the key instead of over top like cherry. A good set of tweezers is all you need. There’s a good video by Taeha Types about lubing an HHKB which was not all that different. I’d say the most tedious thing about it was just how many screws there are holding the PCB to the plate
A few things to watch out for:
Feel free to reach out if you have any specific questions! :)