Exclusive images released from inside Orgy Dome
Why wouldn’t be a buffet!
Gotta fuel up, seems pretty straightforward why there’s a buffet
“This was nothing like my orgy porn!”
It seems like neither the writer nor many of the participants have done orgies before
What a lameass. Old people can fuck. I know…from a friend.
Claims to enjoy orgies, yet is apparently unaware that the vast majority of the population is by one standard or another old and wrinkly. Curious. Like friend you’re going to an open-invitation orgy. There’s a reason that most orgies are not open invitation, and are in fact generally extremely restrictive in who is invited. Secondly, you’re going to an open invitation orgy. I don’t know why you wouldn’t expect voyeurs to be there. There are very clear, well understood reasons why most sex clubs do not admit unaccompanied heterosexual men in most circumstances.
Frankly, a lot of people just aren’t cut out for weird sex. You need a certain degree of comfort with the human body, and a good deal of humility, and you need to not be a joyless shit.
You got me hoping you meant the Iron Dome :(
POV your OK looking friend just told you they do orgies: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IL0blmbIqRg&pp=ygUXY2hhcmFjdGVycyB3ZWxjb21lIG9yZ3k%3D
It reminds me of the Moral Orel subplot of the local depressed ‘man-about-town’ trying to join the Satanists only to be disgusted because they are enjoying themselves and imbibing in excess, which means most of them are not the ‘ideal body type’ but seem genuinely happy with themselves.
Lovecraft wrote a story exactly like this but the satanists were it*lians
Lovecraft knew that swarthy Southern European types were scarier than any eldritch horror
look the people that go to open invitaton orgies are going to be weird. If you don’t want old weird men staring at you don’t go to the open invitation orgy
i got invited to one of these sorts of things once and i gotta say i could not get in the mood due to the 80 year old guy jacking it in a corner
i just ate cookies and left lmao. ill try just about anything once but that wasnt my vibe, private group is the way to go
yeah, no masturbation except at masturbation specific events is a good rule imo.
no mastrubation except at mastubration specific events
Burning man, probably
deleted by creator
It’s burning man.
It’s burnin, man
Bourgeois removed trying to turn us back into brutes.
okay weirdo