Pan the camera left, there have to be more classes in here.
While I like ranger type characters, the ranger class is the one that could never justify its own existence or explain it’s niche. It’s always been done better by a multiclass fighter/rogue.
I assume we are just talking d&d because rangers are awesome in other games.
Legolas cosplayers are suffering in Faerun but THRIVING in Golarion. I got a cool lizardman ranger who teleports into the sky and sends out trained pigeons with Entanglement bombs like some sort of feathery rennaissance era bomber plane.
Pathfinder ftw
I’m just discovering that now. Did levels 3-10 as a hunter ranger. I definitely made some sub optimal character sheet decisions.
Way more recently I played a level 8 fighter/rogue. Now, Ranger definitely has some cool spells, but in combat? The Rogue/Fighter multiclass is way better.
Fighter with a bow: yup
It really is a bizarre niche, some awkward middle ground between multiple classes. Not as fightery as a fighter, not as druidy as a druid, not as rogue-y as a rogue, but somehow trying to balance all three.
At least when Paladin tries to wiggle into a similar gap, it brings some unique and useful kit to the table, but ranger is really lacking in that regard.