Just some nice clearing the air of ambiguities. Do not doxx yourself.
For instance, Lea CrossCode (my pfp) is my lofty transition goal, and that’s one part of the reason I’m so attached to her as a character.
I don’t even like baseball, I just thought the name sounded funny
That’s the secrete, nobody likes baseball
I unironically think Big Chungus is funny
I’ve already doxxed myself like 100 times here
People don’t know I’m Canadian, even though I mention it regularly and am arguably the most famously Canadian poster on here (yeah, sure, Emma, people definitely know who you are)
I am from Canada and not only am I the most well-known Canadian poster, I am the first to point it out on this thread.
I’m pretty bad at certain aspects of communicating and have persistent weird perceptions of social interaction and etiquette. e.g. I find sugarcoating or otherwise trying to soften the blow of bad news to be insulting/patronizing, and someone telling me comforting lies that I later discover are lies would leave me feeling deeply betrayed. I find it damn near impossible to connect a person’s emotional state (which I have become hypervigilant for in seeking any signs of rejection) and the reason for it in the moment, and might only understand later on after analyzing all the different factors.
(99% sure I’m autistic but I’m pretty sure I’ve stated that outright a bunch)
I’m not like other girls
Changing my pronouns here is the most progress I’ve made in transitioning. IRL I still look and sound like a guy and that makes me feel like a fraud :/
yeah same I live with insane hogs, so I feel stuck and like shit, but at least I can change the text on the hexagonal bear site
Just figuring out your gender identity is a massive step to make, you’ve already made great progress!
You don’t owe anything to anyone
Transitioning is mostly an internal process tbh and you are already inside of it! It’s both being and becoming at every step of the way, with all the frustration and anticipation that entails.
i am a girl boss i am a lunatic i am a war criminal i am insane. i am the next virgin mary and i am never going to die
Fuck yeah!
I think it’s pretty obvious that I am the one true leftist
The 1 true ghostbuster
I’m very slightly less annoying irl
I got involved in organizing and Im still terminally online, someone please help me
Depression and isolation from others.
Get on the pills. It’s ok. I wasted 20 years being depressed on and off. Buproprion worked for me and it’s nice to not lose 1/3 of my life hiding in my room.
i love my bf who is hot and muscular
Hornyposting, but it’s Kristina about her boyfriend
I have information that will lead to Hillary Clinton’s arrest.
I’m actually super fucking shy and awkward