Uhm epSCUSE me, it is actually Very Important to have Good Art as it can only be produced and appreciated by superior* (*western, male) beings such as myself, see below for an important example
Calling myself Dark Triad man because I piss the bed
That is legit a great sculpture too. Cloth is extremely difficult to sculpt.
makes you feel weird
Waaah, all art must exist as shallow, uplifting slop!
mocks the concept of values
How dare an artist endeavour to make something that questions my values!
Real kino art is back on the menu boys.
Hell yeah. Makes me feel weird. Confuses my mind. Spit on beauty. Weed. Perfect image. 10 out of 10.
His whole feed is distilled fart-huffing. Gonna grab a few favorite snippets:
Beyond a certain level of intensity, ambition, and drive, of course “normal” people will start squirming around you. Elon knows this and has made his peace with it a long time ago
Only Ayn Rand was smart enough to predict that incompetence and an ENVY for excellence will lead to dystopian social outcomes.
The Unabomber Manifesto🧵
Ted Kaczynski’s IQ: 167 Harvard admission: At 15 Youngest ever math prof, UCB: At 25 Money spent by FBI to find him: $50+ mil
The manifesto attacks modern civilization like nothing else before or since
13 best insights from a Philosopher-Terrorist👇🏻
It’s amazing that Jordan Peterson delivered his most based material inside a fucking university.
And now that he has infinite wealth he can only deliver platitudes.
I have to stop, this could go on forever
Some twisted, malevolently bad cartographer somewhere:
:sicko-yes: i’m making this map wrong
on purpose
Pokemon GO players editing Open Street Map
One time I recommended Uncut Gems to a coworker, and she gave it a shot. She said it was the most bizarre film she had ever seen and it was completely contrary to her values.
I asked what she meant, she told me she thought Howard was going through a redemption arc. That he’d eventually see the error of his ways after winning the basketball gamble and go around to everyone he wronged to apologize, hand them money, and then convert to Christianity (yes she said this). She told me she felt weird for days after seeing it. I think she’s more used to watching creepy evangelical propaganda movies.
So that’s what this guy reminds me of
convert to Christianity (yes she said this)
mf thought it was A Christmas Carol meets Merchant of Venice
this feels fascist
this is basically the nazi obsession with removed art (the fact it was removed implies worse words than what I actually said)
If “Hints at Forgotten Values” and “Believes in, and tries to produce, beauty” weren’t enough then “Good art is man’s divine right and terrible duty” should remove all doubt. Its most definitely Fasch.
On the offchance anyone doesn’t know, it’s the word that’s the opposite of regenerate
That guy must love socialist realism.
So we agree, Pregnant Vegeta is good art.
I never agreed to that. Don’t hold me to that.
Too late, it’s on the blockchain.
I wonder how this guy feels about David Lynch
Fuming with rage as he watches Lost Highway:
“This is a malevolent, bad map!”
The irony here is that, based off the conclusion’s definition of bad art, the chart itself is bad art.
dude is a pro at making site taglines
Long way to say that according to them, good art conforms to their biases, while bad art challenges them.
I’d argue it’s the opposite. Good art should challenge the way you think, it should be capable of making you uncomfortable.
deleted by creator