yo. where do you like to go on the internet?
name your favorite websites (better if niche), your favorite communities (again, better if niche), interesting instagram pages, interesting profiles to follow on any social media, podcasts, web forums, discord server, strange exotic communities, tumblr, horny stuff, videos, whatever. Don’t self censor yourself please!
(cross-posted: https://hexbear.net/post/415928)
This blog is incredible:
There aren’t many articles, but the ones that exist have been crafted with EXTREME attention to detail and DELIGHTFULLY interactive animations. I would recommend the mechanical watch and internal combustion engine posts specifically to start. If you like knowing how things work, this guys blog scratches that itch better than like, anything else I have found for the specific things he makes posts about. Have fun, be prepared to kill a few hours.
I love blogs, specially from people with niche interests and experiences. I follow them via RSS. So that’s what I read outside of Lemmy / Reddit / Mastodon.
Recently I’ve been following the blog written by an IT guy working in a research station in Antarctica (also has a great domain name).
ahah wow thanks! how did you find it? the post about south pole signage is kinda hilarious https://brr.fyi/posts/south-pole-signage
I subscribe to the top submissions on hacker news via RSS: https://hnrss.github.io/
It’s 99% tech, but every once in a while you get an interesting post from a blog about something else. I then subscribe directly to the blogs I want to keep reading.
I’ve just been slowly curating my RSS feed for years. I like the high signal-to-noise ratio it provides me.
One of my favorite sites: https://www.windows93.net/
free-mp3-download.net for stealing FLACs from Deezer.
frogfind.com - search engine (or rather proxy) for vintage computers
gopher://gopher.floodgap.com/1/world is a cool directory of gopher links. There’s also Veronica-2 search engine. You’ll need a browser that supports gopher protocol, from the top of my head I can name bombadillo, lynx and Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 or lower.
WWW Images starter packs:
http://www.it.uu.se/pics/Meteor M-N2-3 satellite LRPT operational status
rtl-sdr.com - RTL-SDR blog. I just found they released RTL-SDRv4 😲 and it’s even cheaper than previous model!
Direct audio stream list of my favorite internet radios
Radio rock:
http://play.global.audio/radio1.aac 48kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio1128 128kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio164 48kbps
http://play.global.audio/radio1hi.aac 128kbps
http://anonradio.net:8000/anonradiotelnet telehack.com
- There’seliza
, an early AI chatbot made in 1966. AI chatbots aren’t such a new thing.https://cari.institute/aesthetics
Consumer Aesthetics Research Institute, it’s a neat website showing design trends in advertising, packaging, print, etc throughout the years.
There used to be this plugin and site called something like “Stumble Upon”. You click on the big Stumble button and it takes you to a random place on the WWW based on your interests. It was awesome. I miss it. Anyone know something similar that still works?
That was how I discovered Reddit, didn’t realise it was gone…
deleted by creator