Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight.
“I’m not gay, but I think the guy I’m fucking might be!”
When fox news drops the “no homo” into the mix. 👌👌👌👌
I entirely forgot that! I should have googled the quote. I didn’t realize he was quoting something. But he did forget to say “fabulous”.
Back in 2016 Milo Yiannapoulis referred to himself as trumpsexual
Milo Yiannapoulis
why’d you have to remind me he exists
Might be the first time I’ve ever seen someone compliment the wet boy on his looks. Even his most diehard fans think he’s an ugly son of a but they love how he owns the libs.
Ben Garrison was at least slightly horny for Trump.
The only people he’s ever been hornier for than Trump are AOC, Greta Thunberg and
Awesome pics, Mr. President. Great size. Look thick. Solid. Tight. Keep us all posted on your continued progress with any new progress pics or vid clips. Show us what you got man. Wanna see how freakin’ huge, solid, thick and tight you can get. Thanks for the motivation.
I feel physically gross, like my skin feels slimey after reading that.
I’m into it.
Never too late for that first “blemish” on one’s heterosexuality, I suppose.
all politics is sexual pathology
“unblemished record of heterosexuality”
why the need to clarify? I have never once felt the need to say something like this
Shouting “I have never sucked a dick! I haven’t even touched one!” at anyone in earshot, while sweating profusely.
it genuinely is surprising how well the mug turned out, mans really looked like melted shit recently
🍦 Why you going so hard on our orange creamsicle boy?
new site tagline dropped
Perfect site tagline. Lemmy libs will seethe.
If this isn’t a tagline by tomorrow, I’ll delete my account in protest.
As a very straight man, I must say, Trump is looking so fucking sexy I wish I could cuddle him
I mean, who could resist?
sniff sniff
Homosexual found