The “Kubrick Stare" is one of Stanley Kubrick’s most recognizable directorial techniques, a method of shot composition where a character stares at the camera with a forward tilt, to convey to the audience that the character in question is at the peak of their derangement.
It’s beyond Kubrick, he’s hitting them with that Megamind Dreamworksface
Also TIL: Kubrick Stare
but he not looking at the camera
The chance that the cop photographer taking this picture didn’t do his very best to help Trump stage the pose and angle is miniscule.
Incredibly based behavior
☑ hair on fleek
☑ skin flawless
☑ beat face contoured
☑ my presidnet 😍💯
Our posters are impeccable
Today was the day Donald trump finally became president
my president.
finally, a criminal president to represent all of us criminals out here!
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As funny as this is, he does genuinely look evil. Not just a generic mob boss bad guy though, more like a Kenneth Copeland actual demon in a flesh suit sort of vibe.
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There’s def that too, but bear with my purely anecdotal experience for a moment. I’ve been around a lot of psychopaths in my life, and after a while you seem to get this sense for when they’re putting on the mask they want you to interpret as something more innocent. I’ve heard that being neurodivergent also helps with this sense, idk I just post here. Anyway, to me I see indignant anger saying “how dare you try to shame me”, and at the same time he’s fighting for it to cover his fear that he knows he’s done wrong - hand in the cookie jar if you will. But under that, what I see is hatred for anything that does not praise him and a willingness to harm. See that “how dare you” bit to me is also a genuine emotion for him. With that, he knows he has power, and he is willing to use it to harm his detractors. Not for vengeance, but for cruelty sake and the exercise of power itself. To me, the love of power like that has always felt spiritually evil. Thanks for coming to me HexBear talk.
I expected him to have a smug smile
Yeah someone on twitter said one way Trump might really own this to his political advantage would be to be smiling.
If it’s anything like the DMV they may not allow you to smile
They’re canceling smiles, folks!
Maybe just lore, but I’ve heard sometimes the picture-takers will try to induce people to smile to sour how they’re handled by others in the system, since the smiling supposedly indicates a lack of remorse or concern for the gravity of the charge. I read one thing that suggested prosecutors will show a grinning mugshot to anger the jury. I also heard never eat PopRocks then drink a Coke because your stomach will tear open.
The smiling mugshot was one of the things that tanked Pablo Escobars political career allegedly. Though that’s probably just a lib analysis ignoring material conditions and the like
Every picture of this guy really makes him seem… not human. It’s uncanny at this point.
Let my Cheeto go
- Moses
We need it as an emoji
holy fuck, this emote is older than most news articles im seeing that feature the image lmfao
hexbears nver touch grass
But what would it mean in meme parlance? Ben shapino doing the Kubrick stare after being sent to his room by mom
I just feel like we had more fun speculating about meme potential than we’ll ever have actually using the mugshot as a meme
When she suckin on your nuts and you a gangsta
Ok but where the fuck does this even come from cause it fucking sends me every time I see his hamsterface
It’s a screen cap Jake Paul posted when he revealed he facetimes with Trump
I should’ve expected that tbh
i took it when he was cumming on my tits obvs
I like that he looks like he’s about to cry. It’s not the morale booster I thought it’d be for hogs.
My guys are solid. I vetted them with great care. They’re paid to said up to the heat.