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Absolutely astonishing that Iran and Saudi Arabia would be admitted side-by-side. Geopolitical arch-rivals joining the same economic bloc like this might signal a watershed moment for multipolarity.
“Look at all those Bad Countries”
I’m sure some fed lib will be saying this unironically within the next 24h.
:goose-honk: then why is Saudi Arabia’s military exclusively equipped by your country?
Egypt/ Ethiopia is a bold move too.
Maybe the bloc can be a mediator for the Nile damn conflict, since it’s a big economic issue for both.
That’s what immediately sprung to mind for me as well. If they could come to a compromise about the hydro reservoir filling speed, that’d be a huge increase in stability for the whole area.
Most likely the New Development Bank will give loans to Ethiopia to fill up the damn slowly.
Egypt doesn’t have to worry about the river running low, and Ethiopia can balance the lost gains from filling up the damn quickly with cheap cash from BRICS.
One of those things that shows you the relative shallowness of BRICS as an entity-if you can even call it that-I suppose it’s more so of an association. People are saying “it’s the end of the (petro)dollar!” but really BRICS is an empty facade and those parallel institutions that are emerging to challenge US hegemony have nothing to do with BRICS itself, just its member states-China in particular. Egypt and Ethiopia would go to war before they meaningfully challenged American hegemony as one (GERD).
I simply do not subscribe to the idea that so many on here have that BRICS in its current or even near-future form is some massive game changer in global politics. There are more important institutional changes in the global infrastructure in the past 10 years, mainly stuff led by China, which are not related to BRICS outside the “C” being China.
More importantly-the acronym is RUINED and I am very upset.
I was so taken aback by Iran and Saudi that I didn’t even pick up on that. I suppose it’s not unprecedented in BRICS since China and India have that perpetual border kerfuffle.
Thats fucking it , OMG !!!
80% of the worlds Petroleum , Suez Channel , Saudi Arabia AND Iran and UAE , the Hole fucking Umma basiclly !!! It is so fucking over …
Even before the new members are added, BRICS GDP PPP was higher than the G7’s for the first time.
Ethiopia pog
Every few years some IR wonk writes an article about how Ethiopia is the up and coming middle power of the Horn of Africa and this might be the first manifestation of that in a long time.
this might be the first manifestation of that in a long time
I’m not quite sure what “this” and “that” refer to in this sentence. I also can’t say that I know what an “IR wonk” is, necessarily.
Ethiopia’s membership in BRICS might be a sign of its increasing status as a legitimate middle power in the horn of Africa.
Yeah, sorry, I can see why that was confusing. My bad.
And IR wonk is an International Relations nerd.
Tank you for clarifying.
Party rockers in the house tonight
Modi apparently played a last-minute spoiler role:
An agreement had been meant to be adopted following a plenary session earlier on Wednesday, but the source said it had been delayed after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi introduced new admission criteria.
Asked about the delay, an Indian official aware of the details of the talks told Reuters late on Wednesday that the discussion were continuing.
“Yesterday … India pushed for consensus on criteria as well as the issue of (candidate) names. There was a broad understanding,” he said.
The BRICS country official said that admission criteria India’s Modi proposed included requiring members not be the target of international sanctions, ruling out potential candidates Iran and Venezuela.
Modi was also pushing for a minimum per capital GDP requirement.
“These are the things Modi brought in today,” the official said. “So they are becoming a little bit of a spoiler.”
Looks like he ultimately conceded on Iran.
Modi was also pushing for a minimum per capital GDP requirement.
Very strange of Modi to want to open that can of worms. India hardly has the highest gdp per capita.
criteria India’s Modi proposed included requiring members not be the target of international sanctions
Nice to see the geopolitical equivalent of “I’d like to buy a vowel.”
Who let Austin Powers name the Geopolitical bloc?
Crazy the Argentina is on there with Millei likely to win the election.
The last “fuck you” of the outgoing government maybe?
Realistically these talks will have been going on for many months, if not more than a year.
thats a good one
New LOTR Sauron sound effects looking good.
no venezuela
Unfortunately the other members were swayed by the argument “Vuvuzela no iPhone”.
I think China wanted to expand more and India wanted to expand less. Sounds like there was a lot of last-minute horse trading done to get even these countries admitted.
The Grauniad were peddling a story this morning about how Xi not giving some scheduled speech about BRICS spelled doom for the entire enterprise.
This announcement flies in the face of every prediction I’ve seen. India opposing expansion, Argentina not being able to join because of American creditors pulling strings. That weird shit about Xi you mentioned.
folks this aint the 5th international
BRICS wasn’t bad enough already so they had to add a few more cringe countries.
The great thing about BRICS is that I can say something like “there’s 1 good country, 2 okay countries, one cringe country, and one incredibly cringe country” and generate enough struggle sessions for the next decade.
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Where’s the fun in that? It’s a struggle session!
Assume I said the country that makes you want to call me a bot or shill or genocide denier the most!
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south africa
Did you downvote yourself? Downvotes are turned off here, so the only way you can drop below 1 point is to not upvote yourself.
No judgement here, just find it weird.
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Wake me up when they agree on a common currency
Perfect use for Iraqi Dinars
I don’t think a Euro-style common currency would be on the table (that’d be a clusterfuck). They’re talking about a gold-backed currency to settle international trade in. For example, when Russia sells oil to India, they currently pay in Yuan because India doesn’t export enough back to Russia.
With a settlement currency, they could settle in BricsBux instead.
I hear they’re gonna use robux
The reserve dollar status let’s the US export trillions in inflation to the rest of the world. The print and spend domestically, and the reserves held by the entire world get devalued.
The US would probably start a war if someone threatened the trillions in free cash they can passively profit from.