How authoritarian to make someone watch a movie
That’s what they do in North Korea, they make you watch the movies that Dear Leader made with kidnapped movie stars and if you don’t clap at the end, your seat flips upside down and drops you into a cave where you’re forced to mine popcorn the rest of your life
mine popcorn
jfc, what I would do for a popcorn mine. I would go there for a week every month with a wheelbarrow of chocolate and some pillows and my pickaxe, and the world would be a better place for everyone.
You’d die at 30 from the popcorn lung
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AHX is a terrible film to deradicalize someone with. It doesn’t actually even begin to address why the viewer should not be fascist.
it’s also beloved by neonazis lmao what a peak
Considering how 4chan liked the movie, i think we can agree that it didnt work
“Noooo, killing Nazis makes you just as hateful as the Nazis!”, I yell, as my black and queer neighbors are being arrested and transported to a nearby Nazi concentration camp for being untermenschen.
I always enjoy reminding people how actual nazis were treated by liberals i.e. with kid gloves.
cw for the link: mentions of bbq’ed nazi and a lot of handwringing about sorting the fash into harry potter houses instead of actually judging them for their crimes:
I suppose I could have brandished my weapon or shot in the air, but I was not inclined to do so.
Holy shit lmao
so cool that the timewall is gone, I’ve been looking for that post
thanks and thank you to the devs
Fascists will be killed not because we hate them, but because we love them. There. Problem solved.
Classic evangelical strategy
The “love gun” KISS refers to:
It’s not hate, it’s pragmatism
lol don’t fashies love American History X because “omg look at the cool badass Nazi putting that [n-word] in his place”
100% this.
My dad was a neonazi and American History X was one of his favourite movies (along with a locally produced movie about neonazis which follows along similar lines to American History X, although it was made decades prior) because he saw it as representation of his views.
He didn’t give a fuck about the moralising twist at the end of these movies. He literally just enjoyed the fact that he was being represented in movies.
He was completely unreceptive to “the message” of these movies. It did zero to change his views.
Fucken libs, man… they have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. Just because they received a particular message from a movie that resonated with them doesn’t mean that it’s going to be the same for everyone.
This is classic LibBrain bullshit. They do the same thing by universalising their attitude towards government or their experience of society and just assuming that everyone feels the same way and has the same experience of things that they do, based on zero real-world experience and investigation.
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I think that joke started from the fact that the republic had slavery and the empire didn’t. Sadly it kinda quickly stopped being a joke. It’s also interesting how we’re sorta presented with a Dems Vs republicans in that meme - there’s either the republic or the empire, there is no third option despite the three first films being about a rebellion working to create something new.
Then of course JJ shits the bed with his mystery box and “Skywalker saga”Pretty sure it started out of simple contrarianism, using troll logic to find reasons why the empire are the heroes despite all evidence to the contrary - stuff like pointing out the empire reduced unemployment on alderaan to 0%.
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Oh yeah for sure. I’m not really up on my star wars lore. As far as I understand it the joke sort of started because Anakin and his mother is a slave in I, but there’s no “slaves” in the original trilogy, which then makes people wonder how that is, which leads to a humorous observation.
The text is pretty clear that the empire is worse than the republic, but that’s the joke I guess
“Sure the text says the empire is worse, but the republic had slaves haha funny observation”.
Then people sort of started running with it and you end up with unironic empire stans.Like it’s just a silly joke noticing one discrepancy (slaves Vs no slaves) without focusing on the bigger picture (brutal political repression, genocide of minorities, apartheid regime, religious repression, etc.).
I don’t think it was meant as something that could stand up to scrutiny, which is also why it’s so strange it led to actual empire stans.
It’s also what makes it more ironic to me because the empire stans go “well the empire was better than the republic” (never mind wether it was or not) and completely ignore the rebellion posing a viable alternativedeleted by creator
Again, I’m not saying it’s good or correct or anything. It’s a simple joke, as I’ve said. It doesn’t hold up to any scrutiny.
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I immediately thought of a virulent racist that loves that movie.
Yes, and the director realized this at some point, tried to use the Allen Smithee name to get his name off of it, but it was too late.
fuck do I know
Literally the only correct statement in that whole thing. Make them watch a film, what a dimwit.
Someone in that exchange made a good point that seems to work on liberals. Ask them what should be done with pedophiles. Should we just let them organize and spread their influence? Should we allow them to march in the street or talk to children?
Or should there be a system of punishment and/or re-education to deal with them
Liberals are so forgiving of Nazis in a way that’s just ludicrous. Part of it is they don’t see fascists as a threat. They don’t see anything as a threat (except maybe the concept of Russia itself). Everything’s just fine and cool, this is the best time in human history, we just a few minor tweeks and history is over.
You’re laughing. He presents you with the cure that brought Ye back and you’re laughing.
Critical support to the guy who kidnapped a racist and made her watch all of Roots then let her go though
Someone did that? Lmao good praxis
no word on whether the woman is no longer a racist
damn, critical support. Thanks for the context, context
Too bad the :LIB:s’ solution would be to make them watch Hamilton.
tbh harsher than throwing them in the
I have no idea and no source, but I definitely heard that once so I’m believing it’s true
This is why we won WW2 by showing massive screenings of To Kill a Mockingbird
ok mr hitler you’re hereby sentenced to movie night
Of course, when the evil commies suggest re-education or de-radicalization of far right elements they are being evil authoritarians and are brainwashing people. No way to win with these folk. their anti-communism overrides everything else.