That was one of the biggest tragedies in recorded history. Do you even know what it did to the economy? It was like Black Monday on a 5x multiplier.
The World Trade Center, keyword TRADE. This isn’t pokemon shit, this is real-world stocks and dollars. The portfolios were ruined.
The next time you laugh at that, think about the human beings that had their vacation bonuses decimated that day. Think about how the economic blow made countries like China catch up to us. Just think about that.
I’ll never make fun of the reactionary counter-revolution that brought down the Allende government on 9/11/1973
One of the creators of Frasier died in 9/11. It was the only funny thing he ever did
Kelsey Grandma be like
What’s incredible is that Osama revealed how much of a lib he was. He blamed Americans for bringing it upon themselves, but he also said they can vote for good politicians who won’t victimize the Middle East lol. Tfw America’s mortal enemy unironically believed in its propaganda
It’s not his fault he was just a good student, repeating what he was taught.
He drank the Al-Qool-Aid.
3,000 innocents vs 5,000 American soldiers KIA vs 500k–2mil dead Afghanis and Iraqis…
I stand with Flava Flav–911 is still a joke
I still love how these were made within hours of the first plane hitting
It was worth every second of dial up months later discovering these
Logging in to something awful, typing in “9/11” and seeing what posts showed up was always a treat.
Yakkidy sax
Watch Bush start a fucking war.
but obvious.
I never knew that. Incredible.
Another very early one
sorry the second you said 9/11 i started laughing uncontrollably
ironically, 9/11 is Airplane! for millennials. People born after us will forever be confused as to why we find it so funny
Comedy = tragedy x time speedrun
Eh I wasn’t even alive on 9/11 and people my age still make jokes about it, probably because every year in middle and high school we were forced to have a #neverforget presentation/assembly
Really? That’s beautiful
After we 9/11 every day for a year I cant take 9/11 Classic ™ serious anymore.
Should have be Urkel.
Get Sillay
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lmao I remember that. Spider Man 2 kind of went out of its way to overcompensate, with the shot of Spidey running with a big American flag behind him.
Culture at that time was just so strange. they put out a comic where Dr Doom was at the wreckage of the towers crying over it, as if he hadn’t literally done a hundred worse things in those comics.
I hate how they added lyrics to the stat trek enterprise intro to make Americans feel better
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What was the bonus called?
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Deus Ex didn’t have the Twin Towers in New York due to something about processing power or graphics demand. Remains funny to this day.
On the other hand we have Two Crude, an arcade game from 1990, which has the Twin Towers in an apocalyptic New York in 2010…
America didn’t deserve 9/11. Here, i said it.
My reasoning:
It deserved much, much, MUCH worse for all the shit it did and keeps doing.
9/11 didn’t really happen to america it happened to a bunch of random people. It was bad not even close to the worst thing that has ever happened and in no way justified killing a bunch of random iraqis
Were the people working in the building that could be described as the financial capital of the world really RANDOM?
Pretty sure there might be some severe statistical fuckery at play that makes this crowd significantly different than “random people”
it was an office block numerous companies rented space in it and had their workers do office work there. I don’t think we should be saying office workers deserve to be murdered
I don’t think they deserved it
But if I had to choose a building in the center of one of the world’s top 10 largest cities, I’d probably also have picked the twin towers. Obviously it would be better for no planes to explode no buildings, but thats not the world we live in
I mean let’s be honest a state is made up of its people
There’s no attack on USA that also wouldn’t affect it’s people
The people are always hit much worse than the ruling class because they own almost everything
this is true which is why I am against adventurist violence
was the 9/11 attacks adventurism? Serious question. It would be if I did 9/11. but was it adventurism for Al Qaeda?
I would say it was adventurism it certainly wasn’t part of an organised military campaign
was it not? It certainly wasn’t a traditional military campaign, but it seems to me it was planned and carried out more in that fashion than, say, the UNIbomber
we shouldn’t make fun of 9/11 because then 9/11 might get its feelings hurt