I am literally just starting, and my friends that I’m gonna play with are telling me “pick anything but a druid, they’re bad”. But then I see articles out there saying that Druids are one of the most powerful at end game. Any thoughts from some of you that have been playing?
I would solidly rank druid as one of the top five classes you could play in Diablo 4.
I wanted to play as a bear, so I am playing as a druid, simple as. Am I weak, am I strong? How the hell should I know, I haven’t played a different class yet! Just enjoying the game as it is and it’s brilliant.
Bear is pretty stronk.
For real man just play the class that you wanna play. Druids are badass, what else matters?
I’m lv 63 now maybe? Anyway am loving my Landslide, Petrify, Trample build.
Don’t be me tho, I didn’t do class quest to unlock the Druid Passive boons till Lv ~37. Granted by then I at least had enough of the items to unlock every one of them.
You want your most OP essence on your weapon, and the second best one on your amulet as they give bonuses to them.
The essences you get from dungeons have the lowest stats, if you find gear with better essence rolls/% make sure to extract it for later.
Won’t link all my aspects, but the landslide one and the trample one are what make it golden
All jive well together for the big pew pews.
Feel like an earth bender or earth/rock ninja, but with angry-bear-bringing the landslide spamms.
I’m gonna potentially disagree with one thing: You should maybe avoid putting your best aspect on your weapon while still in the earlyish levels. Your weapon should be upgraded regularly when you find ones that do more damage, so reapplying aspects whenever you get a new weapon can be very expensive.
Don’t be me tho, I didn’t do class quest to unlock the Druid Passive boons till Lv ~37. Granted by then I at least had enough of the items to unlock every one of them.
It doesn’t help that apparently that quest is locked behind a stronghold. I just reached that point, hoping with the benefits of being a 2nd character I’ll be able to blast through it at those low levels.
Don’t know if I agree with the essence on the weapons, you should upgrade your weapon as often as possible since they define where your damage comes from afaik.
level 100 druid here. i’ve played landslide, trampleslide, pulverize, shred, and now finally i’ve arrived at storm wolf after getting tempest roar at 94.
the class owns. fuck the haters. storm wolf is a great end game chase, and when you finally get it online it is one of the strongest builds in the game.
I started with druid and it’s fine. The game isn’t bad when you just play a class, but it might feel bad when you start comparing other class builds. Still holds its own in any type of game encounter is what I’ve noticed. 55 druid, wt3
Nothing annoys me more than powergamers giving out unsolicited advice. Play what you want to play, barring DM veto.
The streamers I watched (both hardcore) said 35-50 was pretty rough, but once skills come together and legendary starts dropping regularly it feels nice.
I rolled necro but I’ve played with some druids, and they fucked. Level 53. Maybe it’s not the strongest class or something but it looked sweet and killed stuff.
So I beat the campaign as a Druid. There is some growing pain and I had a hard time getting my build to work in the earlier levels. The major issue being my aoe could destroy mobs but my single target damage was extremely low and bosses and elites would give me trouble.
I think some of that comes from naturally being drawn to wolf and bear skills which arguably aren’t that great for single target damage but are the more interesting skills to use. Higher levels and landslide wreck bosses though.
Now I’m around level 33 with a necromancer and honestly I can see why people are hating on the Druid. Necromancer feels way more powerful at both AOE and single target damage.
TLDR; In my opinion play what’s fun to you. The Druid is still a lot of fun and I’m sure there will probably be some nerfs and buffs soon.
I’m having fun playing a Druid that solely uses Werewolf skills and Wolf companions for roleplaying reasons. Not the most efficient build and single target damage output is not that great. But so far I’ve been able to beat The Butcher solo, so guess it isn’t that bad. 😋
Just pick the class that appeals to you. You can play the same class in so many ways with the wide variety of available skills that a ‘this class sucks’ blanket statement is nonsense any way.
Level 62 druid here.
- Fuck the meta, play what you enjoy.
- Druid can handle fine. I’m running a no shapeshift storm build and having a great time.
I went Druid this time around. Usually am a squishy sorce glass cannon kinda guy, so I am really enjoying being a big bear(or wolf) and be a bit more tanky.
I will say early game can be a bit boring compared to other classes, and the loot table apparently is a lil wonky, but it’s been hella fun for me personally!
My brother is playing a druid and he absolutely smashes wt4. It was a rough start, but once his build came together he was shredding nightmare dungeons. I think you’d be fine playing a druid
Nice thanks!