I want to just write lol, but that doesn’t capture my actual laughter. I am glad to be here and hope these communities continue to grow and become a stable place that is unimpeded by corporate interests, data harvesting, and invasive monetization. But seriously, here’s a rat.
I’m writing a thesis that has significant support that the United States is and has, with the exception of about 30 years of progressive policy, been a plutocracy. The divisions in put country are by design. Division among racial lines, political affiliation, religious affiliation, professions, etc. are used to prevent the unification of the laboring class and dissuade us from collectively recognizing and challenging the status quo. The working people of this country have far more in common than not, but the political and moneyed class sow division via these wedge issues to prevent radical change - which would likely shift the US toward Scandinavian style social democracy.