Dog whistles are when you state a verifiable fact in a straightforward way
Look, pal! I have my understanding of how the world works, and it’s different from yours!! That means I’m right even if the facts don’t agree with me!!! NO SHUT UP TANKIES IM NOT LISTENING LALALALALALALA 🌽
I don’t see what the prison population of a single nation has to do with that.
bloodshed and subjugation. Every. Single. Time.
To implement public housing and good working conditions and women’s rights and free child care and good bus systems and gay discos and not having everything destroyed by capitalism it is first necessary to murderer 69 billion people. I am very smart and i understand economics.
Yeah, some gates aren’t worth trying to get into.
Every. Single. Time. Sweaty, now you can see how serious I am.
whew, good thing America has never had bloodshed and subjugation
Bloodshed and subjugation. Every. Single. Time.
Right, the moment
hears that someone wants fair compensation for their natural resources and labor without being exploited (and god help you if you say ‘l*nd reform’)
The labor theory of value is the core Marxist economic principle, and it is incorrect.
This is probably a really dumb rhetoric (I’ve seen it a lot), but I’d to see a good explanation of how dumb it is. Is it like “Newtonian physics doesn’t explain black holes, therefore gravity DNE” or is it something else?
To take a step back, the user claims Marx was wrong about some details, but I’m presuming they’re not saying it for no reason, the unstated and implied conclusion is probably something like “therefore, we shouldn’t try socialism”.
At least I’m trying to follow the logic of if Marx was wrong about X, Y, Z, then [conclusion], but there’s only the claim that he was wrong about some random things as if anyone gives a shit if Marx was wrong about some obscure economics detail 100 years ago.
The empirical grounding for the labor theory of value has been conclusively proven since at least 1998 thanks to statistical work from Anwar Shaikh and Eduardo M. Ochoa using US input output data
To be honest you don’t even have to go that far, these libs literally don’t know the difference between use value and exchange value, or embodied labor and concrete labor
If we were alive 2000 years ago these motherfuckers would be defending the Roman Empire