• @stealthnerd@lemmy.world
    6811 months ago

    The fall of newspapers led us down the path of click bait, low quality, ad driven “news”. Very few newspapers survived the transition to digital because suddenly nobody wanted to pay for access to something they could get online for free. Those that did survive mostly exist in a much smaller form with low funding and reduced quality.

    Personally, I’m excited to see it becoming more common for people to subscribe to news services again. I just wish there was more diversity and competition available like there was in the past but I’m hopeful we’ll get there as more people seem to be opening back up to paying for high quality publications.

    High quality journalism can’t exist without paid subscribers but there are still ways to access it for those who can’t afford it, visiting a local library for example.

    • @Holyhandgrenade@lemmy.world
      3811 months ago

      I know “state-funded media” is an ominous word to Americans, but most European countries have their own government broadcaster and news organization, entirely funded through taxes.
      Those generally offer high-quality non-biased journalism (of course it’s always based on how authoritarian the government is). The British BBC, the Swedish SVT, the German DW etc. are all publicly owned broadcasting companies.

      • IWantToFuckSpez
        1311 months ago

        BBC is publicly funded but they collect the money themselves trough the TV license, they are not funded by the government trough taxes and they make a shit ton of money from commercial operations, like selling shows and formats to foreign networks. That’s probably the best way to keep an independent state network with minimal government meddling. Though we’ve seen that individuals with power at the network can bias the news reporting. Like BBC definitely favors the political right.

      • @flossdaily@lemmy.world
        611 months ago

        I think it would be great to publicly fund journalism. And make public funding contingent on whether news sources accurately represent the full substance of their source material, practiced evidence-based fact-checking, and had rules to prevent the selective application of either of those first two conditions, and by omission bias their audience.

      • StrikerM
        311 months ago

        Journalism student here. Tbh in my experience I have come to the conclusion that news stations should never be state owned. I think state funding for news is good but I think the best solution is a non profit ngo group running the news. When the government owns the news they can change the news and manipulate what facts get shown as is the case with the BBC.

          • @Trekman10@sh.itjust.works
            -111 months ago

            It scales. Privately owned community newspapers might have a bias, but if there’s one in every town with 1,000 people, then exponentially that increases the amount of different agendas of each of those private entities, and they can sort of cover each other’s weaknesses. It’s the concentration and consolidation that’s the issue.

            Of course, private industry inherently wants to merge and consolidate, as is the nature of capitalist competition. So either you continually break up mergers or develop a public community newspapers that are independent of any government - its debatable how independent the BBC or CBC are.

      • @bakachu@sh.itjust.works
        311 months ago

        I honestly don’t think this is a bad idea for the US…for now at least. Right now your typical options for official statements from government leaders are either through (1) politically polarized media like CNN or Fox, (2) paid subscription to better journalism, or (3) social media monopolies like Twitter (X) and Instagram. Can we really not fund something entirely independent of a mega-corporation to get official info out?

      • @9488fcea02a9@sh.itjust.works
        811 months ago

        Should have long term funding structures in place (longer than election cycles) so that you dont have different political parties influencing things once elected into power

        • @flossdaily@lemmy.world
          611 months ago

          Absolutely. And a new version of the Fairness Doctrine, and guidelines that take into account everything we’ve learned since then about media malfeasance.

    • @masterspace@lemmy.ca
      11 months ago

      Very few newspapers survived the transition to digital because suddenly nobody wanted to pay for access to something they could get online for free.

      This has nothing to do with click bait low quality ad driven news.

      The cut off of access to information is a fundamental problem of using capitalism to allocate resources in an information economy. Information does not behave the same as matter and energy, it is a fundamentally different physical property of the universe, and unlike matter and energy, it is not conserved and limited in the same way.

      With matter and energy, to replicate it, you need the same amount of resources as the original, if you possess the original, I cannot possess it, and to make a copy I need all the metal /energy that you did to make the first one. But with information, once it exists in a digital format, we can effectively replicate it infinitely and immediately to everyone around the globe, for next to nothing. At a fundamental level, information does not have the same property of scarcity as literally all physical goods. Information is fundamentally different at the physics level, then matter and energy.

      And that’s a problem now that we’re trying to use capitalism to fund an information economy. Capitalism is entirely based on the idea of scarce things being valuable; despite everyone needing oxygen / air to live, it is not valuable in most places because it is not scarce.

      So what has happened? Did we act intelligently and back up and examine whether capitalism is the right system of resource allocation for the information economy where information has the ability to flow freely to everyone? No. We ham fistedly spend billions and billions of dollars and wasted millions of people’s lives building the copyright system, and the patent system, and paywalls and DRM, all in the pursuit of creating artificial scarcity where there was never a need for it.

    • ineedaunion
      411 months ago

      Agree, yet disagree. That article on Suits that shows what the writers got paid vs the views vs the amount of money executives get, shows that all we need to do is get the money into the hand of the deserving people instead of the billionaire stockholders.

    • @Spicylem@lemmy.world
      411 months ago

      I do agree that more competition with enough subscribers is better. I wish more regional “papers” had been able to convert. I live in a large city with a terrible paper and would gladly pay for better local news and Journalism.

      The trouble is it’s hard to subscribe to every paper. I like that you at least get a handful of free times articles.

      Medium attempts to provide quality work paid directly to the writers and journalists but it’s hard for them to do big projects.

      Several universities and business schools provide op-ed type pieces.

  • N-E-N
    3411 months ago

    Everyone hates ads but no one wants to pay for it lol

    • @BurtReynoldsMustache@lemmy.world
      1811 months ago

      Journalism should be accessible to everyone. Not many people can afford 30 different subscriptions for every individual news outlet because they’re all pay to read. Remember newspapers? Anyone could buy one on the cheap, now these fuckers have moved to a subscription service that’s even more expensive than the average newspaper used to be.

      • N-E-N
        11 months ago

        Well there are 3 alternatives.

        Ads, which everyone on here would endorse blocking, so that’s out.

        All journalism becomes volunteer work, running off of optional donations, which seems unlikely :D

        Or all journalism becomes publicly funded via-taxes. This is probably the optimal option but I think most people would agree that ALL journalism being government funded has a ton of risks.

          • N-E-N
            111 months ago

            There are tons of countries that already have national and local publicly-funded news networks. Is your solution to move every currently private network to a public-funded model?

            Cause to me that sounds like it sounds very expensive, and more importantly, very dangerous to give governments such extreme levels of control over information.

        • @masterspace@lemmy.ca
          311 months ago

          I think you’re missing a potential 4th one, though I’m not 100% convinced as to its feasibility, but a Universal Basic Income and greater societal wealth redistribution raises the bottom so much that everyone can easily afford 30 news subscriptions.

          Though personally I think more arms length public funding is the better option since the incentives of capitalism often don’t align with the incentives of high quality journalism.

          • @persolb@lemmy.ml
            111 months ago

            I love the idea of UBI. But I can’t help but worry I’m wrong.

            My love for UBI assumes that idle hands will make themselves useful in productive, please or at least non-destructive ways.

            I’m not clear I can justify that

        • @hungryphrog@lemmy.blahaj.zone
          211 months ago

          Here in Finland we have YLE, and it has news, movies/shows, documentaries, radio/podcasts etc. It is funded with tax money, and I consider the two biggest pros to be that news and more are easily accessible for free to anyone and that since YLE isn’t trying to profit from journalism, there are no clickbait headlines. Though, the worst flaw is that goverment-funded journalism is prone to propaganda, and once you control the media, you control the whole country, so people need to be very careful.

          • N-E-N
            211 months ago

            Yea that’s precisely it. Publicly-funded media definitely can be the best option, but there’s always risks it can fall into pure propaganda some day

        • @Smoogs@lemmy.world
          111 months ago

          If I have to pay for it:

          • it cannot be sensationalized. It cannot even veer mildly from the found facts.
          • it cannot be filled with agenda bias
          • it cannot hold any false, non peer reviewed information
          • they have to pay their sources. And They have to pay their sources well. Especially the ones who are expected to uphold to peer reviews (science journalists, I’m looking at you)

          If there is a free one with ads:

          • ads cannot fabricate their facts either.

          Wanna regulate? Well. Then. Let’s regulate.

      • @ryathal@sh.itjust.works
        311 months ago

        Newspapers used to be full of ads and were also subscription based. You could buy a one off from a paper for relatively cheap, but their primary income was ads and subscribers.

      • @cloudy1999@sh.itjust.works
        311 months ago

        This seems like a common theme. There are just so many things to subscribe to: Netflix, Spotify, New York Times, Amazon, Audible, individual app store applications, Paramount+, Hulu, Peacock, NPR+, Disney+, etc. Just keeping track of it all is complicated. And all content producers want to maintain the subscription framework, too, passing the costs on to us. This is a little off topic, but it still bugs me that Netflix became a content producer. I think it would have been a cleaner/cheaper arrangement if they’d remained a subscription service only.

    • @FluffyToaster621@lemm.ee
      1111 months ago

      Some sites (Fandom Wikis) are unbearable with ads. Sure, you could pay to remove them, but only because it’s so infuriating to navigate the content when it has multiple ads—some that follow you—INSIDE the content of the articles.

      Autoplaying videos, side banners, and scrolling ads are the worst and actively make me want to avoid the sites unless adblock is on.

      • N-E-N
        311 months ago

        That’s why I use an inverted ad-block list. I see ads unless they get intrusive or unreasonable, and then I enable blocking on the site.

      • N-E-N
        2111 months ago

        I’m defending the right for people to make a profit from their labour 🤷‍♂️ even if ads aren’t my preference either

      • @NuPNuA@lemm.ee
        311 months ago

        There’s nothing wrong with advertising in of itself, society has lived with advertisements for goods and services for a long time. Unless you’re unreasonably susceptible to suggestion you should be able to safely navigate them. Some sites take the mick with how they present them but they have to make money somehow.

      • @boyi@lemmy.sdf.org
        311 months ago

        A little bird told me you’re in cognizance of the way to finance online journalism without depending on ads and subscriptions of readers. That’s a good news. Care to share how?

  • @Spicylem@lemmy.world
    1911 months ago

    Looks like a login wall. While I get the “joke” or irony, Journalism has never been free. Servers, journalists, investigations, and apps still cost money. So did printing and delivery. There are countless sources of information online so you do not have to join The Times but for some the journalistic value is worth the price.

    Wikipedia offers knowledge to the world for free and are maintained through donation (including myself) and philanthropy. It has its issues but provides free information.

    I think we can a enjoy a variety of options. Paid journalism, ad based news, and “free” community supported. There likely are other models we can adopt.

    Other free sources I use. Roca News app Gabe Fleisher’s Wake up to Politics Knowledge at Wharton

    • Carighan Maconar
      711 months ago

      Aye, very much this.

      I don’t know it is in other countries but here in Germany some “baseline” news is provided from money collected via a tax, which is very awesome as it ensures everyone has access to at least some news source. On top of that there’s Wikipedia, as you say, but beyond that everyone still has to be aware that investigative journalism takes a lot of time and effort.

    • @NathanielThomas@lemmy.world
      111 months ago

      Journalism has never been free.

      When i was a kid if you hit the newspaper box just right with your fist it would open and you’d get a free paper.

      Sure, I’d only read the comics section…

  • JackGreenEarth
    1711 months ago

    It’s not a paywall, just a login wall. The account is free. Still funny however.

    • Flying SquidOP
      2811 months ago

      Hopefully when you log in you haven’t reached your limit of free articles for the month if you want to read it.

      • wander1236
        1311 months ago

        And that no one else on your public IP has reached it, since it seems to be IP-based.

        There are so many times I try to read an NYT article and it says I’ve reached my limit when I haven’t even visited the site in the past month.

          • @PooCrafter93@lemmy.sdf.org
            411 months ago

            I read i through my Library, through the Press Reader app. It may be worth looking at what dogital resources your local library provides.

          • wander1236
            311 months ago

            The account is free, but it doesn’t affect whatever checks they’re doing for your monthly free article limit. I’ve hit the sign in prompt and logged in, only to be told I’ve hit my limit anyway.

  • @qjkxbmwvz@lemmy.sdf.org
    811 months ago

    Just curious — how would you like this to work? If you want high quality journalism, you need to pay journalists.

    You can pay them through ads, but 1) this is annoying, and 2) people just install ad blockers.

    You can have state-sponsored media, which can work reasonably well…or can end up a propaganda machine.

    Or…you can pay.

    Journalism is not a crazy lucrative career for most. Financially, most of the folks writing for NYT would be better off in PR — and I don’t think that’s a good thing for society.

    • Flying SquidOP
      1411 months ago

      Or you can have voluntary sponsorship like NPR has done for decades and has high quality journalism because of it. Yes, they get a tiny bit of government money. Nowhere near enough to operate on. And they get corporate sponsors. Who they report against when they have a story about.

    • @Not_Alec_Baldwin@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      You need to earn my trust if you want me to pay.

      Many of these legacy media outlets are demanding Netflix-level fees for fanfic-level content.

      • @wahming@lemmy.world
        511 months ago

        The NYT is one of the biggest, most recognised publications worldwide. If they don’t meet your requirements, I don’t think that’s a realistic expectation

    • @lemmyman@lemmy.world
      311 months ago

      As a paying NYT subscriber, I’d just like to add that unfortunately they still advertise to me.

  • Cryptic Fawn
    511 months ago

    We need a Netflix for online journalism/news. I’m happy to pay for my news… But I’m tired of subscriptions for everything. And basically all the major news organizations want their own damn subscriptions.

    • @yenahmik@lemmy.world
      611 months ago

      Check your local library. They usually have subscriptions for newspapers/magazines that you can access digitally with your library card.

    • Overzeetop
      511 months ago

      Netflix for online journalism/news

      So, like, regular removals of older material and ever increasing prices and restrictions? Oh, yeah, sign me up.

  • @faintedheart@lemm.ee
    311 months ago

    That person who took the screenshot doesn’t care about anything in his life. Look at his phone’s charge.

  • @Vespair@lemm.ee
    311 months ago

    It’s not talked about enough how “traditional news” is culpable for the rise of “fake news” by locking vital information and reporting behind exactly these kinds of pay walls, thus causing people to seek alternative free means instead. This is how fake news sites thrive; pushed into the forefront by traditional media who refuse to adapt their business models to the modern landscape.

    • @Cataphract@lemmy.ko4abp.com
      211 months ago

      How do you feel about government subsidies being used to bolster a free press? From past examples like oil, they don’t become a shell company of the governments whims and I feel journalism is just as important to an educated populace in comparison to oil for our commerce.