Gregg is a fucking treasure
I got cups on my ears!
Didn’t make me stop wanting to paint my nails and wear skirts, it just added an extra layer of internalized self loathing and an overall sense that I had no place in society and should just die
Yeah… But chainsaws are pretty fun tho
Until they kickback because it hit some metal in the tree
too bad they cant embed a metal detector in chainsaws like the finger savers in table saws.
I’m sorry you went through that, I hope you have some peace in your life now!
Sorry to hear that. I hope you have found the inner peace that you deserve.
Hey I feel that but without being gay… How does that work?
Well, there are a few things that could be. Maybe you like to dress that way, maybe you like to express yourself more feminine but identify as a man, maybe you are a trans woman who is a lesbian.
I have a feeling that you have some soul searching to do either way, as those answers come from within.
I think he just meant the self loathing part?
I did haha whoops
Though I also feel them on the dad forcing you to do manly stuff. My dad was always like “why don’t you have a girlfriend yet” constantly since I was 9 or “you should play sports not play on the computer” n shit like that. He doesn’t do any of that now that my computer stuff has me making more money than him though haha fuck you dad
Sorry about that. Self love comes from within too. Everybody’s road to self acceptance is different. I started mine about three years ago when I took way too many shrooms and had a mind blowing experience where I realized I hated my body, but didn’t really understand why, so I spent an unknown amount of time coming up with things I appreciate about my body, like my muscle memory when typing or other small things. It sent me on a long journey that led me to discover why I have had such a strong disconnect with myself.
I don’t necessarily suggest you do that yourself, as you can really Fuck up your psyche, and you don’t really get to choose what lesson you’ll learn or what kind of experience you’ll have.
Ideally an individual would be able to experience that guided by a mental health professional for safety and to keep you focused on something productive.
I hope you can find some things to appreciate about yourself, because the things you focus on are the things that will drive you or drag you, and we can be our own hardest critic.
no need to apologize to society for being interesting.
What makes a log cabin gay? Put a couple of self hating Republicans in it or is there more to it than that?
None of the logs are straight
Would be a horror to build tho.
That’s why the step grandfather’s plan failed. If he had just left it alone Moki Awa would only be able to build a straight log cabin. But with all the skills gained from attempting to “man the queer” out of them, they are now able build the gayest non-straight log cabin.
Lmao doesnt make sense at all from a logical perspective, but its a memey sub so I’ll not think about it too hard. Xd
I’m gay but I’m a lady so a regular log cabin is already pretty butch if I build it 😁
log cabins are just inherently gay. what do you wanna fuck off into the secluded woods for, to get with a bloke?
Each log is painted a different primary color from the rainbow
A rainbow is carved out of wood above the door
And the inside is full of proper BDSM mounting equipment properly installed
its a well known fact that before chainsaws were invented, all men were gay.
Who wouldn’t want a gay log cabin everything would be so nice and shiny
I love how those people think there’s a “Man indicator” and a good old chainsaw can fix a shortage.
Also obligatory reminder that gays are the real men
Insert log cabin pasta
Do you mean penne?