U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday called China a "ticking time bomb" because of its economic challenges and said the country was in trouble because of weak growth.
tldr chinas quarterly growth has slowed and liberal economists are claiming china’s miracle is over. private sector investment has shrank 0.2% for the first time since data collection in 2005 but investment by state firms has expanded 8.1% in the same period. there’s also a current global manufacturing recession. doesnt mean “its over” or whatever tf they’re saying but interesting to note.
I mean there will be a point when the Chinese middle class stops growing and the government will need to midwife a new economic model. A Communist Party is probably the only political organization currently in the world that can come up with an answer that isn’t slashing the social safety net and giving big handouts to corporations to keep profits up, though.
im not an expert in political economy, but if you read the article he goes into a lot of specific reasons why china is still in a great position in regards to the future, although it will take responsible leadership that pushes back against mainstream neoclassical economics.
Neoliberalism has been a failure for the actual population. It’s decoupled economic growth from improved quality of life. Meanwhile, social democracies in Europe are showing that other models are practical and viable.
he’s probably referring to this https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2023/08/02/china-consumption-or-investment/
tldr chinas quarterly growth has slowed and liberal economists are claiming china’s miracle is over. private sector investment has shrank 0.2% for the first time since data collection in 2005 but investment by state firms has expanded 8.1% in the same period. there’s also a current global manufacturing recession. doesnt mean “its over” or whatever tf they’re saying but interesting to note.
I mean there will be a point when the Chinese middle class stops growing and the government will need to midwife a new economic model. A Communist Party is probably the only political organization currently in the world that can come up with an answer that isn’t slashing the social safety net and giving big handouts to corporations to keep profits up, though.
im not an expert in political economy, but if you read the article he goes into a lot of specific reasons why china is still in a great position in regards to the future, although it will take responsible leadership that pushes back against mainstream neoclassical economics.
Neoliberalism has been a failure for the actual population. It’s decoupled economic growth from improved quality of life. Meanwhile, social democracies in Europe are showing that other models are practical and viable.
Which European country isn’t pursuing neoliberal economics?
Practical and viable so long as you have a massive base of exploited labour in Africa and Asia to prop you up.
GDP Annual Growth Rate in European Union averaged 1.70 percent from 1996 until 2023
GDP Growth Rate in Euro Area averaged 0.37 percent from 1995 until 2023
Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/euro-area/gdp-growth
Social Democracies in Europe are showing that you can keep people complacent as long as the oil and the african gold don’t run out. Whoopsie.
Must be forgetting about Finland, whoopsie.
You don’t think Finland benefits from the victimization of the global south?