U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday called China a "ticking time bomb" because of its economic challenges and said the country was in trouble because of weak growth.
Neoliberalism has been a failure for the actual population. It’s decoupled economic growth from improved quality of life. Meanwhile, social democracies in Europe are showing that other models are practical and viable.
Neoliberalism has been a failure for the actual population. It’s decoupled economic growth from improved quality of life. Meanwhile, social democracies in Europe are showing that other models are practical and viable.
Which European country isn’t pursuing neoliberal economics?
Practical and viable so long as you have a massive base of exploited labour in Africa and Asia to prop you up.
GDP Annual Growth Rate in European Union averaged 1.70 percent from 1996 until 2023
GDP Growth Rate in Euro Area averaged 0.37 percent from 1995 until 2023
Source: https://tradingeconomics.com/euro-area/gdp-growth
Social Democracies in Europe are showing that you can keep people complacent as long as the oil and the african gold don’t run out. Whoopsie.
Must be forgetting about Finland, whoopsie.
You don’t think Finland benefits from the victimization of the global south?