I can’t belief this antisemitic bullshit is upvoted on lemmy. This is literally the age old conspiracy that jews are secretly controlling the government. And miss me with that “ZiOniSt” dogwhistle, we all know who you really hate. Disgusting, really.
Zionists are far more likely to be evangelical death cultists than Jewish people know their holy book says their god took away their homeland because they displeased him.
Are you not watching what’s happening? At all? Its hard to like a nation state that is unapologetically genociding a much smaller people. Its okay to have shifting opinions. You aren’t a monolith.
When schumer says there will never be peace because the people in the region didnt beleive the torah’s words that the land belong to jews, thats an explicit call to violence againt any non jew in the region, isnt it. so call that antisemitism all you want, but I dont think standing against violent zionists counts as antisemitism.
Nice strawman. The antisemitism is suggesting that jewish people are secretly controlling the government and using a nazi dogwhistle like “zionism tho” doesn’t help.
Its absolutely not a strawman. You just dont want to address what Schumer said because its evil and antiamerican. Anti-humanity really.
As to your other claim that I am resurrecting a trope, Schumer and Biden are ardent zionists, thats 2 of the 3 leadership roles at the head of government, that and the way AIPAC donations steers how congress votes are well established facts. Hate that and spew accusations all you want, thats just plain true.
so you’re shilling for violence, bud. That make you feel powerful?
I can’t belief this antisemitic bullshit is upvoted on lemmy. This is literally the age old conspiracy that jews are secretly controlling the government. And miss me with that “ZiOniSt” dogwhistle, we all know who you really hate. Disgusting, really.
Shut the fuck up and fuck off, nobody’s falling for you shit here
Zionists are far more likely to be evangelical death cultists than Jewish people know their holy book says their god took away their homeland because they displeased him.
Yep, I hate oppressors. And the colonialist kind are among the worst.
Are you not watching what’s happening? At all? Its hard to like a nation state that is unapologetically genociding a much smaller people. Its okay to have shifting opinions. You aren’t a monolith.
When schumer says there will never be peace because the people in the region didnt beleive the torah’s words that the land belong to jews, thats an explicit call to violence againt any non jew in the region, isnt it. so call that antisemitism all you want, but I dont think standing against violent zionists counts as antisemitism.
Nice strawman. The antisemitism is suggesting that jewish people are secretly controlling the government and using a nazi dogwhistle like “zionism tho” doesn’t help.
Its absolutely not a strawman. You just dont want to address what Schumer said because its evil and antiamerican. Anti-humanity really.
As to your other claim that I am resurrecting a trope, Schumer and Biden are ardent zionists, thats 2 of the 3 leadership roles at the head of government, that and the way AIPAC donations steers how congress votes are well established facts. Hate that and spew accusations all you want, thats just plain true.
so you’re shilling for violence, bud. That make you feel powerful?
The ADL and AIPAC both separately got caught spying on America and American citizens for Israel (or Apartheid South Africa on behalf of Israel)
And yet they still exist and don’t have to be registered foreign agents.
Why is that, do you think?
The antisemites really coming out of the woodworks today, yikes. Well, another one for the block list.