There’s a debate amongst my internet community on whether drinking tea with a splash of milk in it is blasphemy or not. Thoughts? Opinions? Hot tea takes? I come here to query the communi-tea
I even prefer my spiced chai without milk.
Milk in Assam and other breakfast teas, in most variants of chai masala, and in hojicha, but not in afternoon teas(which to me, include Earl Grey), (other)green or white teas(except white-based chai masala), or oolongs, yellow teas, or puerhs
I’m a big fan of milk in most black teas and in my matcha.
No milk for me. Though, I don’t care for drinking milk in general, so take that into consideration. Ever since I started buying higher quality loose leaf tea, I’ve greatly enjoyed the taste and depth of it plain.
British style like Earl Grey yes. Asian styles like oolong no.
Depends on the tea. My favorites are Irish breakfast with milk or earl or lady grey. And cold milk tea is very popular in Japan. I used to drink it a lot before living there so it was nice to buy big bottles of it.
I like milk in my black teas, but not other kinds! It also depends on my mood, to be honest! It’s not ever blasphemy for me, but it might not be what I’m feeling.
Does that mean you put milk in Darjeeling and/or other highland teas? In Earl Grey and its variants, too? Or do you drink those without milk, or don’t drink them at all?
I do put milk in Earl Grey and variants! I don’t typically drink Darjeeling, though.
Personally I don’t care how you want to consume your tea. I don’t put milk in my teas but that’s my preference
Either sweetened condensed or whole, a spot of milk in black tea does the body good.
Not a huge fan but it’s tolerable
Depends on the tea.
So far I only tried it with aromatized types of tea. Those were neat.
I usually drink greens though