New account but I’ve been using burner accounts and lurking since the sub got banned. I’ve been seeing all the standard liberal brainworms again for the first time since and everytime it’s an account from another federation. I was tepidly against federation at first but this has been entertaining, like the old days of
people who wandered into the sub.
I gotta imagine this will only last another week before everyone defederates us, but let’s enjoy it for now.
PBB looks gigantic on lemmygrad lmao
LMAO okay i like federation now
For best viewing experience please use lemmygrad?
Hahaha on my screen it’s normal so God do I envy you. Here’s another
It takes up my entire screen on Jerboa
That one’s emoticon sized 🐖💩⚽⚽
might be because a lot of the line-drawing emotes are SVG and will scale to any size, while photo-based emotes are PNGs and have a set resolution
That would explain why the LIB emote is enormous too (assuming it’s a vector too)
yeah, that’s gotta be the problem - I pointed out in a lemmygrad thread yesterday that hexbear had a similar problem in the first year or so of the site that specifically affected the hexbear logo emoji when it appeared in the site tagline (it became fucking massive, like 3000x3000)
our beautiful admins might have to rework svg/vector based emojis or even contribute something upstream to have unified resizing
it’s beautiful
LMAO oh god I accidentally hit “search image with Google lens” on that one
i mean this in the nicest way possible and I mean that it’s charming
a lot of these other instances feel like just kinda charming friendly middle aged people talking on Facebook. It’s kind of whiplash because I’ve been so used to the owl piss and pig shit style of posting we’ve cultivated and these folk are just pleased as punch with their spongebob and tom&jerry memes
Hmm. I hadn’t actually considered why kind of mind would produce these things. But then I find people who aren’t fatalistic and angry about the world deeply unnerving and I tend to forget they exist.
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Same lol
Have you heard about poopoodoodoo?
poopoodoodoo? I haven’t heard that name in years
Oh no your choice of words is a nono, that is a ban for not being civil!
My fellow chap, I would feel most splendid if you might be so good as to genocide this group that I don’t relate to currently. You are such a nice conversationalist.
report denied, reporting user shadow banned. Such is life in the :liberal
“There are years when no funny happens, and weeks when years of funny happen”
-Lmao Zedong
i always see the threads talking about the dumb libs, before looking for them. the equivalent of hearing gunshots in the neighborhood. lmao.
I think as the libs get deeper into arguments they say something that leads to a ban or removed comments. They are so far not brave enough to venture onto the News Megathread, praise be unto Lord SeventytwoTrillion.
The news mega is like the final boss for ignorant internet shitlibs.
Open the gates!
Close the gates!
Open the gates a little!
Hello. I was pretty regular user of the original sub before it closed down. I avoided moving to Hexbear because I didn’t like the interface.
Hey same! Gosh r/cth feels like a million years ago - deleted my original account over it and everything
Welcome back!
I’ve seen several people mention a similar thing about being on the old sub, and are now glad to reconnect with a big chunk of that community. If for no other reason, I think it’s awesome that federation has brought about a small kind of reunion of comrades.
Re-integration of the Chapo diaspora.
welcome home
Welcome back comrade! Man those days seem like forever ago now huh?
Yeah I was still in high school back then. Now I’ve almost graduated college. The pandemic really changed things.
189 comments to 110 upvotes
A week ago: ah shit, another struggle session
Today: looks like some libs are getting
It’s like lib, a couple of deleted comments, and then a pile of hexes
The best part is emojis become supersized images on lemmy. Like here’s what your comment looks like on their end: probably won’t defed so we’ll get a slow drip of new libs from that more than likely, even if everyone else did
It was a little of shock but to see so many comments telling me to vote for Biden and Dems coming from a nominally ML site.
A good chunk of people have no idea, they just know that it is the instance managed by the main devs. is a nominally ml site, but i don’t think is. the .ml is the top level domain for mali.
I believe they’re nominally “leftist” administrated by an ML.
It’s run by MLs but they have allowed libs in so as to not hurt the project as a whole.
They’ve said they’re more comfortable as devs than as admins of such a large site
is likely to bounce?
Well they apparently haven’t defedded with Nazis, so that kinda indicates maybe they’re into
and wouldn’t defed. On the other hand you know how libs can be (.world was more eager to defed us than they were with Nazis before)
.world was more eager to defed us than they were with Nazis before
and Nazis after
Doubtful unless their admin is pressured by other instances
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The good news is that the mods of are based and so many people post there given that it is the flagship instance. I don’t think they’d ever defederate. We can continue dunking on western propoganda in
I think it’s good that we have new people coming in who question and challenge our collective political opinions. It’s good to explain and defend concepts because it really does aid in understanding. Plus, we don’t want to become an echo chamber.
Tbh I see it kind of opposite. When people come in with uninformed bad arguments we’ve heard 1000 times before, it doesn’t cause me to reevaluate anything, and it just makes me want to unite more with other Hexbears in dunking on them. When there’s fewer of those types, it’s easier to have meaningful discussions and disagreement, without having to worry about giving libs ammo. We haven’t had any struggle sessions and I’ve seen a lot less debate between Hexbears since it started. But I also don’t think that’s a bad thing, we could stand to do a little less infighting.
You might be right and I might come to agree with you in time. For now though, I think it’s okay.
You might be right and I might come to agree with you in time.
See, this is exactly the kind of behavior I’m talking about!
And almost immediately, I have a perfect demonstration of how useless libs are at debate.
If one day I ever feel the urge to actually debate someone on the internet, I will log off forever and live the life of a hermit in the woods.
I don’t think articulating why libs are wrong counts as debate. a debate requires 2 sides.
My thing is that I basically use Hexbear as a news aggregator, I don’t really find much value in re-articulating my views, other than as a writing exercise, it’s mostly a compulsive habit at this point. So I can take or leave federation, it doesn’t really change that much, other than I won’t lurk as much and will post more, which might not be a good thing.
writing practice is valuable :) semper
Posting more is definitely a good thing
Yeah. Honestly I’m not even having fun tearing in to them because it’s just the same tired bullshit. Some dork was just yelling Tianemen square Uighurs DAE famine and it’s like Is this shit the best you’ve got? They don’t know anything, they don’t know they don’t know anything. It’s not even a fight. They don’t have any thoughts or ideas, all they do is parrot propaganda they’re too incurious to question.
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I agree, I feel like listening to what the liberals and fascists have to say is pretty important too to see both sides since the truth is always in the middle
Gotta give that
emoji a work out occasionally too.
Say sike
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i’ll say it this is only true when you’re not as based and theorised as da Empire State Building and can imagine libs and people who think they’re not a lib but totally are know any worthwhile political theory
I was also hesitant but I’m having a great time.
I was just reading on another post that at least 2 lost chapos from CTH found their way home, which is genuinely heartwarming. No links though, and I missed the homecoming party
Thank you!
People here were worried about federation but I think given that we aren’t on the old subreddit anymore a lot of the problems that used to exist are moot. Back on Reddit you used to have to worry that posting in cth would result in you being targeted in almost any other subreddit regardless of the content you were posting. Then there was the issue with potentially being shadowbanned or banned outright as well.
They can just defederate here if they want. Otherwise I feel fairly free to interact with libs or chuds as much as I want, with the one caveat that the real bad actors have to be moderated, causing more work for the mod teams.
Overall it seems fine. It’s nice seeing people from other instances being able to come in and talk, for the most part. Seems much more alive now (which is great for me since I love mostly lurking)
I agree completely. I’m still sorting by local because I don’t really feel like i vibe with what I see what sorting by all (not in a bad way per se, just doesn’t really tickle my fancy like real
posts) but i’ve seen some good comments in our threads from folks on lemmygrad in particular so all in all I’ve been satisfied
It’s sometimes fun to check in with the rest of lemmy if I catch up on all the content here
a lot of the more interesting threads in all are also mostly hexbears posting lol
it’s beautiful to see how strong our posters have become
Coming out of the hyperbolic time chamber to find your opponent is season 1 Krillin
All the dumbass liberals were dammed for three years and now they’re flooding in with the fury of a thousand suns
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Yeah if I’m honest I’m thankful that we have This shakeup. was getting tired of most of the content each day being power poster memes
I feel like there was a stale patch for a while but there’s since been a readjustment with content being a little less laser-focused on politics and overall a little more positive.