I love that the article makes no mention of the US sending ships through Chinese territorial waters all the fucking time, but talks about this normal and legal action China and Russia took as “unprecedented”
Except those waters aren’t Chinese territory, which is the entire point of doing freedom of navigation cruises…to remind them of that fact
The recent China-Russia operation was also in international waters, and you’ll notice it’s only a handful of senators making a stink about it to get some publicity, the military was pretty clear that it wasn’t a problem. They just shadow it like they always do.
After the Gulf of Tonkin fraud, why should American warships be allowed anywhere outside American waters
I mean, they don’t have to be allowed in international waters, you just need to get all the planet’s seafaring countries to dedicate all of their naval resources to a blockade of the US.
The cheaper option is to realize that the USN is generally pretty serious about enforcing freedom of navigation in a way essentially noone else is able to, which is a net positive for the planet. Even when you factor in some of the shady activities and plain old fuckups that they are occasionally involved in.
Frankly I’d be thrilled if China would actually act like the modern global power they clearly want to become, rather than joining Russia in some 1800s imperial LARPing vs the rest of the world.
This is just peak
It’s different when we do it cope
enforcing freedom of navigation in a way essentially noone else is able to, which is a net positive for the planet
The planet:
1800s larping
Who’s got the biggest system of prison slavery in world history, again?
Who’s bringing back child labor?
The US ain’t paradise, I am not gonna argue that. But we were talking about naval policy. We definitely don’t have children serving in the navy 😜
Such a weak deflection, it’s no wonder nobody with a normal blood-reddit-content takes you guys seriously.
We definitely don’t have children serving in the navy
cabin boys returning to a vessel near you!
17yo can join military in amerikkka with parent consent
based satire account
Is the US enforcing freedom of navigation when it embargoes Cuba? Asking for a friend.
I am mostly sure the naval blockade of Cuba ended well before I was born, so there is zero freedom of navigation issue happening currently.
The embargo only applies to US companies, we aren’t stopping other countries from continuing to trade witch Cuba.
I mean, it’s stupid as hell, and will never work, but that’s about the extent of it.
The trade embargo, not the naval blockade. The trade embargo that the UN General Assembly has called illegal multiple times. Like how ships docking into US ports can’t trade with Cuba, or businesses trading with Cuba have to go through massive paperwork hoops to prove that they have zero American shareholders. Or like how Cuba has to import basic medical supplies from the other end of the world.
The embargo has been active since 1960 and has never ended, I’m not sure where you got the idea that it had stopped. And yeah, while it doesn’t directly prevent anyone else from trading with Cuba, it does prohibit anyone who trades with Cuba (or even just enters a Cuban port for maintenance) from trading with the US for the next 180 days, and considering the US is such a major trading partner, that heavily disincentivizes other nations from trading with them, don’t you think?
Either way it’s petty as hell and absolutely still happening, it infringes on Cuba’s right to self determination, and is not what I would call “generally pretty serious about enforcing freedom of navigation” by any stretch of the imagination.
Its amusing how this thread went from the legitimacy of various naval exercises and then shifted to trade policy when that didn’t pan out, which is an entirely different animal, its more of an elephant than a zebra. (It ain’t black and white, definitely grey.)
Trying to get me to defend the Cuba trade embargo ain’t gonna happen, because it really is pointless and harmful. But I like how its conveniently ignored that the rest of the world could easily more than cover what the US refuses to send to Cuba. The US Navy wouldn’t stop them from doing so, because the blockade ended decades ago.
But oddly enough, that doesn’t happen. I wonder why not? Because, oh no, what would the world do without more of those sweet, sweet dollars??? Yeah, never mind the ethics, one can’t forgo profits from trade with the US, so let’s go fuck the Cubans right along with the Americans, and keep our citizens fat and happy with a steady supply of Levis, Big Macs, and movies. But, you know, lets continue paying lip service to how bad it is while making money hand over fist in complicity.
A truly astounding amount of hypocrisy. The US has plenty of hypocrisy to go around too, but at least I am not going to try to defend it.
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love to enforce freedom of navigation by seizing Iranian/Venezuelan oil tankers, enforcing embargoes on Cuba and.the DPRK.
also love to wave around the word imperialism to describe state enemies when the us has fit that definition for the last 100 years.
Frankly I’d be thrilled if China would actually act like the modern global power they clearly want to become, rather than joining Russia in some 1800s imperial LARPing vs the rest of the world.
The rest of the world is at worse neutral to at least one of the two. Oh! I see, you don’t actually mean the entire world just the only countries you think matter
The us navy engages in piracy all the time. They absolutley do not mantain treedpm of navigation.
Lol is this a joint Russian bot/CCP shill account or something?
God I wish I was on the posting payroll. Please Xi. Please.
Good thing the US doesn’t do massive exercise with multiple counties, planning potential attacks on enemy countries. Cuz that would be really terrifying for those places with memories of Amerikan mass murder.
Yeah people really dunno how hawkish South Korea Park Admin was with lots of joint naval exercises with the US. This provoked Kim’s nuke tests. Thankfully SK elected Moon who had real summits with Kim. Unlike Trump who threatened him before not negotiating in good faith.
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But they got Finland to join NATO. This is actually a huge win.
Finland, Jay! Finland!"
Yeah this is precisely how the USSR lost the Cold War. When it’s 2 v 1 it’s just not fair. Bodes ill for the United States’ chances in part 2.
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Reminder that the United States military has at different points attacked both Russia and China. Neither have ever done the same to us (under any version of their government).
What’s the matter America? It’s just a FONOP.
Doing a friendly little joint exercise to establish the safety and security of international merchant vessels.
Only someone who hated freedom would be against that
I know it’s utterly besides the point, but I am in love with that shitty map graphic in the article. It’s just so funny to me for some reason I can’t articulate.
It’s very “I can see Russia from my house.”
“it’s getting closer!”
They made all the participants’ territories the same colour lmao. Real “graphic design is my passion” type stuff.
Freedom of Navigation, losers
Nice. Next time add Cuba to the mix as well
God imagine the amount of oil they’d have to use to get to Alaska. Can they even use the Panama canal for warships?
God imagine the amount of oil they’d have to use to get to Alaska
Certainly depressing but at least that oil won’t be burned to heat central european homes this winter.
American regime uses authoritarian intimidation tactics on ships exercising their freedom of navigation rights guaranteed by international law.
We don’t even share in their plunder!! People here think we do sometimes. Like if we didn’t have Nestlé Chocoslaves and Coffee slaves the price of these goods would go up… Libertarians believe these workers aren’t slaves. Liberals are worse because they shrug it off.
but sky shade price watch straight test quiet late metal cake frequent sense I system coal move self reason knee umbrella because liquid blood food rest test chemical star boat floor look mother say off green light farm library rest east ink lock wave match summer view possible moon opinion
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