Everytime I see a picture of her all I can think is that she’s stolen Boxxy valor.
Is that not Boxxy? You can’t look like Boxxy and have a 4chan meme as your name and not be Boxxy.
Boxxy has done some tv stuff along with voice acting and as far as I know never segued into an enlightened centrist.
I don’t think Boxxy has ever dated a known fascist.
shoeonhead is not boxxy
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lmao, on the flip side I’ve never known a communist to be all that close to god
Who else but a communist is going to drive money lenders from a temple with a whip.
that’s not really many people, considering the audience is spread out over the whole anglosphere
Yeah, but that’s also a huge number of people, and people who actuall pay attention to politics often end up having an absurdly out-sized influence on history. The next tito’s tortellini is probably thirsting for Shoe’s crypto-fash affections right now.
i don’t think this is any more delusional than the libs who are calling it a feminist masterpiece
feminism is when you can buy Traditional Barbie or buy Corner Office Barbie or buy Hairy Armpits Barbie.
To me it felt like a literal plastic simulacra of what a capitalist thinks leftism should be
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Lmao these people still can’t figure out what woke means.
Also, people calling a Barbie a masterpiece will never not be funny. Like holy shit is this how low the bar is for art now?
It was a fun movie to watch but it was corporate propaganda through and through. It is a “turn your brain off and enjoy” movie where you take off the glasses
and just let the wrinkles in your brain smooth over.
Exactly. It was a fun movie and I’m not gonna slam people who enjoyed it, I liked it too, but it’s not deep or revolutionary.
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I have one for this.
Is shoe still dating that Nazi?
God we live in the most bizarre micro-circle of hell.
I’m pretty sure she broke up with the nazi long ago. now she just takes their money.
Which one was the nazi?
I hate youtube so much :pain:
Does she still claim to be a socdem or is she full chud now?
Last thing I heard she was dating fash, so…
This post has gone 6 hours without anyone saying it. How
I have heard convincing takes to this effect. Mostly because the movie is essentially liberal but would not be surprised to see a good faith version of this argument existing.
How did this person ever find a following, is the question on my mind. She is so fucking boring
my theory based on absolutely nothing is that a lot of ppl (myself included) were bored to tears a few years ago and many boring current/former ‘breadtubers’ amassed followings as a result. Now that touching grass is back in style they’re merely riding that wave now and are confined to that annoying part of the internet
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