The candidates wouldn’t act like at all with the single transferable vote proportional representation electoral system because then the blue voters can just vote the nearest party adjacent to their values.
Democrats have put forward voting reform laws that get rid of gerrymandering and citizen unity and have supported getting rid of insider trading for Congress members (although that one has less support). There hasn’t been the proportional voting reform put forward in Congress but the only party fighting for that on the state level is Democrats. Maine got it passed because of Democrats campaigning for it. So saying that Democrats wouldn’t do any of what I talked about is BS.
The candidates wouldn’t act like at all with the single transferable vote proportional representation electoral system because then the blue voters can just vote the nearest party adjacent to their values.
That is why neither party would ever permit electoral reform. What next, are you going to suggest we get rid of gerrymandering? Lobbying?
Democrats have put forward voting reform laws that get rid of gerrymandering and citizen unity and have supported getting rid of insider trading for Congress members (although that one has less support). There hasn’t been the proportional voting reform put forward in Congress but the only party fighting for that on the state level is Democrats. Maine got it passed because of Democrats campaigning for it. So saying that Democrats wouldn’t do any of what I talked about is BS.
New Zealand got electoral reform and Canada got rid of gerrymandering. It can be done if there’s enough pressure.