OK so first of all, you don’t know me
this is doxxing and i’m willing to sue
I see you got the wrong form. Let me help you! This is the one you need:
spends an hour configuring Proton to run a game smoothly, plays for 10 minutes
I feel personally attacked… I have done this with too many games on my deck, with Cyberpunk I spent 3 hours testing all kinds of different settings configurations (and then running the benchmark between every change…), trying to decide if I wanted to stick with native res and lower all the settings or upres with fsr and bump the effects up… then I got in game and realized I didnt have mods and didnt want to deal with them at that point and uninstalled the game.
It comes from a place of personal experience.
me when I feel like digital drawing:
- open Krita
- spend 2 hours getting a brush just right
- exhausted, only draw for 5 minutes before giving up and getting my physical sketchbook and a pencil
There’s such a relief in using simple physical tools that have a very limited number of parameters and degrees of freedom to consider. Same with reading a book vs reading on a computer.
I’ve seen some artists who normally use advanced programs try MSPaint and make some amazing art.
My friend. I’ve seen artists friends spends days and hundreds of dollars, experimenting with paints, pencils, sharpening tools, brushes, etc. Have you seen how deep the brush material rabbit hole is?
Still small compared to what you can do with a computer.
I go on lemmy to laugh at memes, not to see pictures of myself. Did I open Instagram?
I feel attacked and I don’t even use Arch btw
i cannot confirm nor deny these allegations, but i can provide you with my dotfile repo
If you used NixOS, you could move your whole OS there!
Seriously thinking about nuking my years old Gentoo installation to try Nixos at this point.
Could always just get another drive instead of tearing it down, storage is pretty cheap these days.
True. I’ll migrate my
back to my root drive and use the spare drive to experiment with.I’ll migrate my
back to my root drive and use the spare drive to experiment with.Or just leave it where it is and mount it there too ¯\(ツ)/¯
Well my home is on my spare drive currently lol. I guess I could just create another btrfs subvol alongside @home and use that as root.
But where’s the fun in that? Then you don’t get new hardware.
Tell me more…
The whole OS is configured by a single file (or subfiles you include from the main file) - every package and setting can be there. Meaning you just move the file to a new OS, run a single command, and you have the exactly same OS.
tfw OP just posts your average Gentoo user
Gentoo? That’s a distro I haven’t used in a long time. A long time…
I have Elite: Dangerous. I literally built a 6D motion sensor headtracking rig with IR diodes and a modified PS EYE. 30 hours of config later I had the P E R F E C T config, so I moved on to new games.
Balancing the insane ADS in Cyberpunk 2077 by manually editing core files while battling 150+ mods, now that’s what I call enjoyable gaming!
Stopped flirting, I’m married! But…u know…don’t stop.
i can optimize a system for negligible results all night until it runs smoooth and purrs like a kitten
Wait, is that purring a destabilized fan? I’ll have to get back to you.
Sounds like my buddy configuring like 300 Skyrim mods over the course of a week until the game is thoroughly unplayable without a crash for longer than 5-15 minutes, then he’ll play it for a couple days and do something else.
I played New Vegas over 150+hours on my last run and -50 of those hours was just installing mods and testing them :D
If I can customize my house in the game, why shouldn’t I customize the game in my house?
- Play Cyberpunk on max difficulty? No challenge.
- Play Cyberpunk with ultra hardcore difficulty mods? Death isn’t even routine.
- Make Cyberpunk run well, while incorporating missing features? Now that’s a challenge on my level, it truly feels like me versus the challenge the
developersCDPR executives have laid before me.
And I thought I was insane with 53 Valheim mods… give this guy a trophy.
This could be a bingo grid.
I’m in this picture and I
don’tlike it!Now I see why you guys like Lemmy.
ok but pedals for layout switching sounds awesome
Until you get carpal tunnel in your feet.
She got to the second hour? Impressive.