It’s not only Jesus, but it’s religious figures too. Muslims do the same to depictions of their saints, they should always look like “us”.
It’s not only Jesus, but it’s religious figures too. Muslims do the same to depictions of their saints, they should always look like “us”.
Using a large shell history (currently at 57283 entries) along with readline (and sometimes fzf) has served me well over the past few yeas when trying to remember past commands.
Exactly. That’s the first picture that came to my mind immediately. I describe it rather peaceful.
In Südwest hilft dir nur Badisch.
deleted by creator
well, I don’t care anymore. I just unsubscribe and run sieve filters to get rid of junk mail. That’s something I hate with a passion!
I used to maintain a zero unread mailbox. At some point I stopped. Email is just a public global todo list, than any one can write to. It’s okay not to read them all.
That looks fantastic. Like you have the best of both worlds.
I think it’s a good move. Carriers are decentralized by design, af if they were not greedy and stupid, they could come up with at least one decent messaging. RCS is good by they did not make e2e mandatory in the protocol.
I’m in this picture and I don’t like it!
I use Tab Session Manager and Session Sync add-ons with Firefox and I’m quite happy with them.
Imo that’s what caused Firefox to lose market share to Chrome. They focused too much on Firefox OS and deprioritized browser development. In one example, it took them a long time to implement FIDO when it was already functional in Chrome.
You’ll be missed Bram. RIP.
Your decision is perfectly sound. The problem is apparently Firefox. I’m using Voyager installed with Firefox and will report any other weird behavior that I notice.
That thread contains some interesting facts. For example TLS mismatch which is why FF can’t load the favicon.I installed Voyager again from and the icon is now correctly displayed.
Interesting. I had not noticed that.
The least one can do, is stop using Chrome for real.
I’m sorry for your loss. My dad passed away ten years ago from Alzheimer’s and I was not there for him (and he could not recognize me). You’ve done a fantastic job.
Is there naturally any UV light at night to be able to see it without using UV flashlights?
Yes, despite that there are pictures from saints (imams) and paintings at least in Iran, which are purely imaginary and look like Iranians.