Not sure if this is common knowledge or not. Why YSK it’ll save you the guessing game of which side your gas tank is on when pulling up to a gas station.
I don’t own a car but drive a handful of times throughout the year using Zipcar. Since I rarely drive the same car this has helped so many times when pulling up to the gas station only to realize I have no idea which side the tank is on.
Also there’s usually a clip for your fuel cap on the inside of the flap
Mine doesn’t even have a fuel cap. Lots of newer cars seal with the door only.
I think my Jeep has a cap holder but it doesn’t work… It’s not sized right or something. Probably not the OEM cap.
Its pretty funny - I learned this the last 2 years I was to own a gas operated car. I had always struggled with certain models on which side the gas tank was and would embarrassingly have to switch stalls when I came out to realize I was on the wrong side.
Now I just have to remember what side my charging port is on, passengers get the zap is how I remember
I learned this recently. I would end up circling the gas pumps trying to remember if it was right or left. It wasn’t until the person who was on the pump beside me, who also saw me do this circle before getting it right, told me about this feature. I remember telling a friend of mine about it and they told me that they already knew, but no one ever told me about it. Glad to know I’m not the only one who would have to play the guessing game of “which side is the gas tank”.
LOL, same here. Most of the time I knew, but in a rental car or something, I could never remember…
My charging port is in the front center now–and this is causing me problems with some street chargers because I can’t get the cable far enough over. There’s no arrow for that…
Ohh yeah that can be such a pain to maneuver on a street, that really sucks and I didn’t think about that pain point with front charging cars! A leaf?
Yah, Leaf 2016 model. I got ticketed by the city for parking the wrong direction. I tried to explain to them that they chose to site the charger in a way that caused this problem, but they said they didn’t care and don’t do it…
Is there something similar to the gas tank arrow on EVs? I never thought about it, but the charge ports are all over the place.
Haha not really, it’s just a graphic with a plug image on the right side so that’s some small indication
My car has this, but a car I’ve recently rented didn’t. It was fun pulling up to the gas pump having no idea what side the tank was on and noticing there wasn’t any arrows.
It’s usually on the side the handle on the symbol is if there isn’t an arrow.
I completely missed that, it might have been the case for that car then.
I learned this way too late in life.
I learned this way too late in life.
I know this, but I still get confused. Is it pointing to the left, because my fuel tank is on the right and I should be left of the pump? Or is it pointing to the side my fuel tank is on?
Points to the side where You’re supposed to fill up normally. Probably this does not apply to all manufacturers.
Yeah I think that’s the thing, it’s a standard that’s not really standard.
Could you please add a “Why YSK:”? It’s rule #2. Thank you. :)
That seems like a silly rule. So much of the time, like this, it’s self-evident.
Hi sorry about that! Thought I had it in the text body my bad. Just added it in.
I have never seen one with an arrow. Here it is usually the side that the pump is on.
The icon in my car has no arrow, and the pump on the icon is the wrong side of the vehicle…
Yeah, but which of the two arrows though? The yellow one pointing to the right, or the white pointing to the left?
This is great until you get used to it. I started relying on looking down at that instead of remembering which side of the car the tank was located on. I got a new car recently that doesn’t have this indicator and I kept parking on the wrong side of the station because it wasn’t there and I guessed.
Get a little sticker (if you can fit it) of an arrow to point the side you need
Good suggestion but it’s lease thankfully. I don’t like the car I just needed a SUV to fit my wheelchair. I don’t need the chair anymore so once I ride out the term I’m getting a plug in hybrid or an EV.
Sound like a big upgrade, congrats on your recovery!
Thank you friend 🍻
Technically, the gas tank is pretty much always in the middle
Yeah, this fact is really useful when driving someone else’s car.
I like to refer to it as right-handed and left-handed gasoline.
Driving rental cars for a couple of years for work, this was super useful