❤️ StVZO-compliant illumination ❤️
❤️ StVZO-compliant illumination ❤️
Same, and they might even have properly adjusted headlights, but as soon as they tilt up (e.g. due to a speed bump), the flashing lights make it look like they are sending me a light signal. Usually takes a few seconds until I realise they just hit a speed bump.
Interesting, first thing we learned was to try to knee them in the groin to make them let go.
No, 'cause the /s cheapens the experience of good sarcasm.
Nice numbers <3
In a horrible accent though, at least use an actor that speaks the language or is able to mimic it well enough for a few lines.
Occupational Lung Disease? Onerous Life Disorder?
Maybe she didn’t want to though.
I knew it was a mistake to shave today.
Darn, I have Gotland and Svalbard on mine. Well, there’s still hope.
Obligatory reminder that not only US has an IRS; the tax collection agency in Ghana is also called IRS.
Nah, I think if you’re on e.g. Debian oldstable you could still be on Gnome 3. That’s not “long dead”.
If I squint my eyes I still kinda see it, nice!
He sounds like a decent human being.
I’d never go to a hotel without my leatherman with me.
What if you always dreamt of learning to play the violin though? That’s right out now, buddy.
I have never ever seen a baby pigeon. Not even a picture. Where are they hiding them?!
Even worse, it’s an hour or two past midnight on new years eve and my social battery is flat, but the guests aren’t leaving. Yawning and checking my wrist watch doesn’t help. Cleaning the kitchen doesn’t help. What do?
To be fair, she could’ve been adopted.
Even in July 1914? Interesting take.