This is definitely me when I’m not parroting state propaganda!

This is part 1 of our new Libs of Lemmy series. If you wish to contribute, just make sure you include Libs of Lemmy in the title. An award* will be presented for capturing the biggest lemmy lib, so get posting!

NSFW spoiler

*one-way ticket to official CCP cbt + milking dungeon

  • riseuppikmin [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Reminder that most of these people’s political theory comes from whatever the last marvel movie they watched or whatever childhood videogames they’ve put the most time into.

    So it’s either brainwashed russians/non-whites or npcs (bots) through that lens.

    Like there’s a good chance the worst material “harm” that these people have experienced in their lives is the inflation of gold prices on the market on their world of warcraft server.