This is true in religious dogma, Satan himself was a fallen Angel
Nah, hell is pretty great for controlling masses if you manage to make them believe.
Basically “you’re all going to hell, but if you follow my lead, I have this one neat trick that all devils hate”.
Some people are motivated best with a carrot, but others require the stick. Cult leaders who know how to use both will maximize their control.
At some point some kids learned they could get food and shelter by peddling the dumb shit their dad made up when they were kids.
“Daddy, where is uncle Larry after he touched little Susie?”
He’s burning in hell sweetie.
“… Are we having bacon tonight daddy?”
No sweetie. That’s uncle Larry in hell.
Dante Alighieri?
im betting hell was first.
And the heaven guy was like, nah bro.
Finite people cannot create the infinite supernatural eternity of Heaven nor hell
Well they did